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Aug. 2, 2023

Conversations with Fe | The Daddy Daughter Podcast Series

Get ready for a truly special episode of "The Teevee Show Podcast" as I will be joining, once again, with my oldest daughter, Fe.

She lends us an insight into a compelling adventure from a recent photoshoot, underscoring the value of crystal-clear communication and instructions. She's learning and growing along the way.

Digging deeper, we unveil her unique experiences as a multicultural child, with the backbone of a supportive family, and navigating the landscape of language choices.

We pivot to venture into the realm of relationships, where she shares gold nuggets on maintaining boundaries and preserving authenticity.

Join us, engage, and let's make this dialogue more vibrant. Check out this episode, you don't want to miss it!


Teevee (00:00:00) - You are a mixed culture child. You're a mixed kid. What was it like for you? What kind of challenges did you. Did you have back then?

Fe (00:00:08) - When I was younger and even in middle school, the Nocebo Kid jokes and all that weren't a big thing until I think high school. Yeah, Whenever I got to high school, it was a thing. But I've always gotten respect for it. It's easy for me to explain and me to say to someone is and they're like, Oh yeah, like, let's not go there. Let's not get into those conversations.

Teevee (00:00:29) - You're getting old.

Fe (00:00:30) - Yes, I am.

Teevee (00:00:32) - So is your sister. What's that like? How does it feel knowing that your baby sister is about to go by by.

Fe (00:00:38) - Seeing her choose? Finally get comfortable. And even if she's not comfortable yet, I know while she's in college, she's going to figure herself out. She's brave for that and being like one of the first in our family, even on my mom's side, to leave Texas.

Fe (00:00:53) - It's insane. What am I going to get her for her presence? I still haven't even given her graduation present. And oh, wait.

Teevee (00:00:59) - We got to give her a going away present or something. You have a boyfriend?

Fe (00:01:03) - Yes, I do.

Teevee (00:01:05) - When you first told me that that was a thing, I told you that I had to meet him.

Fe (00:01:10) - I did not hesitate with this idea because.

Teevee (00:01:15) - Welcome to the show podcast. I am once again joined by my beautiful, amazing grown up daughter. 20 year old talked about it recently. She will be a regular on the show because I would like to have the opportunity to actually share what she's learning and have big grown up conversations and actually even share. If what I taught her matters was it is it really was useful. Um.

Fe (00:01:45) - Say hi. Hello. I'm back.

Teevee (00:01:50) - She is back. You got a I got a lot of great feedback last time around from people saying that they really enjoyed it. Several people said, Man, I wish I could have talked that well when I was that age.

Teevee (00:02:00) - I said, lead two, you are spoken, you well put together. So thank you for making the world think that I kicked ass.

Fe (00:02:09) - Okay.

Teevee (00:02:12) - Um, I was going to tell you something earlier that I figured I might as well tell you here. Um, it's really neat to see you growing and you doing photography thing, and it's kind of cool because I'll have people reach out. Yeah, I had somebody new reach out to learn, I said, and they said, Hey, do you think fair would or is we should be interested? Okay, so maybe I don't know the exact word, but something to the effect of would be interested in wedding photography.

Fe (00:02:36) - Yes.

Teevee (00:02:38) - There is. Um, so this is the first she heard of it. We're going to. It's Eddie.

Fe (00:02:44) - Oh, yes. Newly engaged.

Teevee (00:02:46) - Julia. Yes, You saw that? Newly engaged Eddie. He asked if I wish that I.

Fe (00:02:52) - No pause. Wow.

Teevee (00:02:53) - So you may have heard we have an audience member today and in the house that.

Fe (00:03:02) - So.

Teevee (00:03:04) - But. Laugh away from the mic and I'm peaking. It's okay. It's okay. You can go ahead and pick it up now. He's just blown away by what he's witnessing. He couldn't keep it together. I don't blame him. The brilliant. Oh, like times two. Anyway, I reached out and I told them that I think so. Because you wanted to get into the wedding business, right? So I'm sure that you can work it out.

Fe (00:03:34) - I mean, I have done wedding before. Well. Oh, he wants, like, actual on site, so I've done wedding photo. Okay.

Teevee (00:03:43) - So I don't know. He just said waiting. So it could be on site. It could be pre pre wedding. Yeah.

Fe (00:03:48) - So I mean that's like a whole package. It's the before so like even just engagement shoot and all that.

Teevee (00:03:57) - Okay well I'll make sure to share that with him. You heard it here first. So in today's podcast, I had a couple of questions that I wanted to ask her, and I actually asked her, Do you have something?

Fe (00:04:08) - Now they'll come as.

Teevee (00:04:10) - So I asked her to come with something prepared. But even if she didn't, I had a handful of ideas and things wanted to talk about. The first thing is, um. Since you were children, I like. I wanted to brainwash you with the idea that we were problem solvers. Right. Do you recall that? What do you. What do you remember about that entire idea.

Fe (00:04:33) - About being problem solver? Yes. Um. I know you have sword instilled this like said a word. Yes. Okay. Um, I know you have put that into our minds. Um. I guess you. Taught us that if we were to run, I think it's because a lot of things. It started off very small as a child. It could be something spilled. That was the beginning of it all. The problems of fear, like problems of Anna were spilling water. Don't sit there and cry about the water being spilled. What is the what do you do to solve the problem? Pick it up from spilling further and go get napkins.

Fe (00:05:22) - Um, and so it started off very small and there's no reason needing like there's no reason to cry and run to someone when there's solutions in your face. Like they're, it's there. Um, but there always is a need and there is always times where there are better solutions. So reaching out. Coming to you to talk about it, but after we have tried other things. Because I think in most cases as a child, it could come off as. Just being whiny. Like, just. Do it for me kind of things. And I think you wanted us to stay out of that. Yeah. That mindspace of you need your parents help all the time or get help all the time that you can, because being little isn't an excuse, especially if we caused the issue. If I made the mess. If I. Got myself into a situation. I got stuck up on a tree. Find your way down. Fell. You got up there somehow. So find your way down.

Teevee (00:06:28) - What actually happened?

Fe (00:06:29) - That happens all the time.

Fe (00:06:30) - Like they. It all started with little things.

Teevee (00:06:33) - She stuck in the tree.

Fe (00:06:36) - And so it grew from there. I think after that I naturally became a problem solver. And I want to say that's one of my best.

Teevee (00:06:47) - I'm glad you took it back.

Fe (00:06:48) - Yes. Because I know it is. I know people respect me for my problem solving. It gets me lots of places and it shows who I can be. Because although I may not have like the talents or the. I don't come with the talent because I'm a natural problem solver. I think we spoke about this in the last one. I feel I can pick up anything because if I don't have knowledge on this one thing and it's obvious to someone and they're like, It would be nice if you had this knowledge and I'm going to go go gain that knowledge somewhere else, that insight. And so.

Teevee (00:07:29) - There's somewhere where you can find that information. Something happened. You need to fix it. You need to resolve it. You need something.

Teevee (00:07:37) - But you're lacking. There's a gap in information. So and that's what I did. Trying to instill, like in the example of the spilled water is just a matter of acting on it instead of just this actually happening, which I'm like, okay, it spilled, but now what is something? Stop, Stop it from spilling. Pick up the water, get some paper towels. Sulfur. This on is not not getting so emotionally. And then just in awe of the moment or just in shock at the moment. So and we had multiple instances of that throughout your lives and try to instill it because it is a way of the world, the world society rewards people that actually are good problem solvers, society, the world pays people that can can solve bigger problems, more money, because they they're capable of looking at a situation and resolving it, fixing and making a better or whatnot. I asked all that. Thank you for all that information, because it is true. Also, notice, I imagine that at work, that's something that you excel at.

Teevee (00:08:38) - You have to because you weren't necessarily equipped with all the skills as soon as you showed up. And and that's true in any job. Even if you go to college and you get a degree or even if you're trained in another another company, this other company that you may be at now may be totally different and have all the resources that the previous company had, so forth and so on. So you have to be able to problem solve. The better you are at that. The more you excel that kind of say easy life gets bit easier. Yeah, because you can fix almost anything. I think I said this to you, almost everything is figure out. Well, I've said this before, right? So the reason the big reason I'm bringing this up is because a couple of weeks ago, you told me that you had a photo shoot. It was. It was a little challenging. Um. Why was it challenging? Just. If you can share, we only details of the individual. Just why was it challenging as a photographer in that moment?

Fe (00:09:35) - I think in that moment it was one I allowed.

Fe (00:09:42) - I should have caught it from the beginning is I allowed a a short photo shoot for a size that I shouldn't have allowed it. I knew in my head. And that they would. With the size. Of the group and. Um, with all the other issues though, with the biggest the group it was um, and then the time that I allow them to schedule me for the time that I allowed them to schedule me for, which is 30 minutes, which is 30 minutes is very, very little for a photographer to shoot like I. If if I was. Oh, my gosh. If I had if I had even just a couple or one person, I don't think I ever shoot for 30 minutes. If I'm being realistic with myself, I always go over and beyond for people. If I'm not happy with something, I'm usually spending more time there until I can get something I'm happy with. And so I and then I also had to deal with different personalities on different ages. And so it's it, it was hard and I tried my best, but in the end.

Fe (00:10:57) - It wasn't my fault. I had great quality pictures, but I still wasn't proud of the product because of all the different personalities I had to deal with.

Teevee (00:11:06) - And was it?

Fe (00:11:08) - 12 to 15.

Teevee (00:11:09) - So a lot of people to try to coordinate.

Fe (00:11:11) - In 30 minutes.

Teevee (00:11:12) - Incredibly challenging to to do that in an hour to get everybody to coordinate. But the reason I ask you to share a little about that, because I heard a couple of things. One is that one part of the complaint was that they couldn't hear your instructions.

Fe (00:11:26) - Yes, there was a waterfall at one point behind them. That's I talked about this today. That's the funniest thing. There was a water fountain. Another thing what hard thing was is it was raining outside. And so we were stuck in such a small place and everybody was hot. Um. And once we went outside and it was sprinkling, some people didn't like it. You could tell that they weren't happy. And then I was speaking to someone in particular to because they didn't look happy.

Fe (00:12:05) - So I was trying to like, cheer them up. And while I was speaking to them and calling to them several times, everybody's looking at that one person. I mean, they told me they couldn't hear me. And so I started screaming after after that, I started screaming. And even then I didn't get a great picture of that. I mean, I would be proud to put on my website or be proud to post, um, just because they weren't still looking at the camera. But I couldn't control that.

Teevee (00:12:32) - So in an effort to solve that problem for you in the future. It Got you something. Free to unbox it.

Fe (00:12:41) - Oh, my goodness. This is. I talked about this today. Did you? Yes.

Teevee (00:12:55) - Geez.

Fe (00:12:56) - I'm going to hold this around my neck.

Teevee (00:12:58) - I didn't realize this was going to be this big, but this was kind of an accident. And he's a bunch of batteries, but he kind of pulled it here. I don't even know. You figure that out later.

Teevee (00:13:10) - Yeah. You don't like it there. Um.

Fe (00:13:13) - That is crazy.

Teevee (00:13:14) - You have a little voice, You have a big voice. But at a distance, with that many people, it is a challenge. And what better way is in the future, you're going to have big, big events. So my as your father, I'm like, How can I help her with that? Josh? This will never be a problem again. I'm not going to turn it on because. Yeah, you.

Fe (00:13:34) - Had to, like, unlock it.

Teevee (00:13:35) - Yeah.

Fe (00:13:37) - Yeah, I talked about that today. It's funny cause I honestly told myself I was like, Oh, I don't even want to put myself in that position again. I'm not taking big group photos again. Um, big.

Teevee (00:13:51) - Sorry, go.

Fe (00:13:51) - Ahead. But I think I'm just going to change the way my services are listed. If. I shouldn't allow 30 minutes. This is a learning point for me. Problem solving. So I'm solving a problem. A problem that's going that could happen in the future.

Fe (00:14:07) - Which is this again? So one, I'm not going to allow my 30 minute sessions for that big of a group. Yeah. Um.

Teevee (00:14:15) - Organizing them alone. He's going to take 15 and 20, literally. Yeah. Remind the photos like you hear you. And then it.

Fe (00:14:20) - It wasn't even that. It was just one big group photo that was promised. I was. I also allowed individual group photos after, like within that contract. So in organizing individual groups and then putting them all together for a big group, it was very complicated.

Teevee (00:14:40) - Yeah. A lot of personalities to deal with and distance volume and whatnot. So that's one way to at least eliminate that. You're figuring out the rest. So make sure to package it. So good for you though, putting yourself out there. And I know that picture still look great. You still have a level that you aspire to. So that was just my way of saying, hey, let's fix that problem. I'm not going to be an issue, at least that part of it.

Teevee (00:15:03) - And if nothing else, you can use that at your parties like, yeah.

Fe (00:15:07) - That.

Teevee (00:15:08) - Soon. So, um. You're welcome, Ben. Thank you.

Fe (00:15:13) - I was not expecting that.

Teevee (00:15:15) - That was the goal.

Fe (00:15:17) - That was. I was like, I saw you pointing it out and I was like, Where this is going?

Teevee (00:15:22) - And like, keep talking, keep talking. Anyways, let's get into the meat of the podcast and also the goo goo GA GA. Get it, baby. I have a big question for you.

Fe (00:15:33) - Okay?

Teevee (00:15:33) - And that is well, your dad's Mexican in in case you guys didn't know that that makes it even my fellow Mexicans sometimes say at all the Mexican. But never mind that I'm Mexican and your mother is white American born Ohio. And in many ways, you're a mixed kit. I would rather call you mixed culture because I believe that's close to the truth. And we're all mixed in some way, but mixed culture in terms of American culture and then the Mexican culture that is part of my map and something that I never talked about with you.

Teevee (00:16:07) - And lately, because one of the things I always try to do is make sure that you are proud of being of the Mexican culture. Yes, I did a good job with that.

Fe (00:16:15) - Oh, yes.

Teevee (00:16:18) - Um, I always try to make sure that you're proud of that without dismissing American culture or your mom's side or anything American in that regard, because I am also nerdy American citizen. So although born in Mexico, a multicultural. But you are a mixed culture child. You're a mixed kid. And I can't help to see a lot of things that are coming up and trends even on TikTok. There's a noticeable kid.

Fe (00:16:44) - Yes.

Teevee (00:16:46) - Which is crazy. It's funny, but it's insulting at the same time. Um, what was it like for you? Being from both cultures and, you know, going to your your your mom's side of the family, their parties, and you look different than them and they come into mine. And then you obviously can't speak to your grandparents because I did a bad job teaching Spanish.

Teevee (00:17:08) - We talk about that anything. But what is that like for you growing up? What kind of challenges did you did you have that maybe you didn't even share with me? Like, I really don't think we spoke about that enough.

Fe (00:17:18) - Yeah. Um, I think younger. It was never an issue because a lot of people assumed I was a mixed kid because I have the hair, I have the skin tone of, um. A darker person. And so a lot of people, um. Always assumed. And back then, when I was younger and even in middle school, it the no Sabo kid jokes and all that weren't a big thing until I think high school. Yeah. Whenever I got to high school, it was a thing. Um, but I've always gotten respect for it because it's. It's easy for me to explain and me to say to someone is all I have to say is my parents are divorced and they're like, Oh yeah, Like, let's not go there. Like, let's not get into those conversations.

Fe (00:18:12) - It's true. It's because I was raised in a more American household. I spent more time with at my mom's house than at my dad's house. In the times that I did have with you. And they were very limited in time. So we were doing all these things. And I guess one of the. Um, things that weren't we weren't so worried about was a language barrier. We were just like, okay, let's get to our activities for the, for the week weekend. And, but I didn't have a lot of issues because I, I have the skin tone. I have the, the hair and I have a lot of it. Um. And I mean, I did have like a best friend whose family kind of. Now, they didn't force in a good way and a good force made me order for myself in Spanish. So I had that. I had those people in my life who cared about me learning that. But I always still was in touch with my culture because I'm close to my family and close to my theas and my theos even if they did speak Spanish to me, like I feel like I could understand them enough because I was surrounded by I am surrounded by the love.

Fe (00:19:26) - Um, the only issues that I which is crazy. That I faced was what was I mixed with. Those are like the kind of uncomfortable situations I have gone. Gone in is what culture am I? What is my background like? What race am I? That's always your hair like.

Teevee (00:19:48) - Why.

Fe (00:19:49) - Yes, it's always been a thing of a debate of what race I am. I'm jokes about who's my dad because I look, I can say I'm Mexican, but most people can say I look Puerto Rican or I look black or I look and there's all these jokes that would come with it. And I don't think it was because people would kind of use it in a more mean way growing up because they necessarily didn't speak that great about Thatrillionace in general. And then they tell me I look like that race. And I'm like, Well. I mean, I had no problem. I have never had any problem being called in any other race or being asked if I'm a specific kind of race because it's human.

Fe (00:20:32) - Um, and I respect that. I find it beautiful that I can look like a different culture than what I'm not. Um, the battery's low.

Teevee (00:20:42) - Wow.

Fe (00:20:44) - Okay. I'm gonna keep going. Okay. Um, but the fact that people kind of used it more as a joke aimed towards a joke towards me was I found mean and insulting. Um, for, I mean, the race they were calling me like that. I grew.

Teevee (00:21:02) - They were saying it with a negative connotation.

Fe (00:21:04) - Yes.

Teevee (00:21:04) - And saying it as a compliment, which is one thing that you actually embrace that we're saying like, ha ha, you look black. Ha ha. You look Puerto Rican.

Fe (00:21:12) - Yes. And so I had that issue. And then there goes the jokes of did your mom like jokes about did your mom, um, like milkman jokes?

Teevee (00:21:24) - Yeah, I've been around forever.

Fe (00:21:25) - Yes. And I knew my dad was my dad and my mom was my mom. And those jokes are insulting to my parents. And so, um, because they made me and and so that one.

Fe (00:21:37) - And what comes with being half white. One of the things that I got was fear. You don't understand because you're white. You have a privileged mom, and it would hurt. And I. I know it's because I never actually spoke up about my parents. People knew my mom was a white person and I would get those kind of jokes and even talk from friends. Um, it's like, well, you have a white mom, you're good. You have your financially stable, you have, you have all this, and it's not that easy. My mom has gone through difficult times that no one knows. But you assume because she's white, she she had it all and she. Yeah. And it's it's it's really mean to us to assume that, um, struggle is universal.

Teevee (00:22:26) - It's not just.

Fe (00:22:27) - Yes. Human struggle is universal. Um, and especially coming from even others that shares the same background as me. We had opinions that we never had when we were younger, so we started having opinions about things older too.

Teevee (00:22:42) - So there's that there going to be more opinion?

Fe (00:22:45) - Yeah, we're just exposed to a lot more. So at a young age. We don't know how to filter them. So that's how I see it now. Like, Oh, they didn't know how to filter them then, like we were being exposed and they just let everything out, um, in.

Teevee (00:23:00) - Your high school or your teenager. So part of the reason why a lot of parents, I mean, yeah, highly opinionated going in on parents. Okay. Well, I asked that because I see it a lot and it's a big deal. There's actually an HBO special that I want to watch on that, um, where a lot of kids struggle. Luckily, I think I did a decent job at least making sure that that our side of the family, at least what they say out loud because yeah, that would be going into. Yeah. They'd be saying it's a nasty stuff for mean spirited stuff that's hateful.

Fe (00:23:32) - Yes. Our family has been so supportive.

Fe (00:23:34) - They have been so supportive that I think recently we were sitting down eating together and I was like, How do y'all feel that we're white? Yeah, because.

Teevee (00:23:44) - That that was a weird question we.

Fe (00:23:46) - Were just asking because, you know, it's very it's, it's. Is very normal for Anna and I to hear the jokes and all that outside of our family. But our family's been so, so supportive. Like they don't act like we're different in any way because we are the only American ones. On my my dad's side, we are the only mixed children. And so, yeah, we're, we're we're the only mixed children. And so genuinely, I wanted to know because other people have opinions and they're okay with sharing them to me and Anna. Um, right, right off the bat, like, I don't speak Spanish like, Oh, no, you poor child. Like, why would your parents do that to you? Don't make. Oh, it's deeper than that. Let's share.

Teevee (00:24:28) - That.

Teevee (00:24:29) - So the story I tell, I like to think that I've done really well with them in so many contexts. Expose them, introduce to talk them different things that the one big failure that I've made is in not teaching them Spanish. I'm Mexican spaniard for me from Lolo pass not enough but i speak it. I've held that teaching them Spanish. That was my biggest failure is teaching them Spanish. Um.

Fe (00:24:56) - You're not teaching a Spanish. You said your biggest failure was teaching a Spanish.

Teevee (00:25:03) - So my biggest failure is not teaching my daughter Spanish, even though I speak it relatively fluently. I was born in Mexico. That's the first language I've learned English here in kindergarten. But I didn't teach it to them. I tried. And I actually when you're a baby, I used to speak Spanish all the time. Um, but that was, that was the key is that I was at home with you, um, getting emotional about. I was at home with you, I'd come home and speak to you. We'd always be speaking Spanish at the house.

Teevee (00:25:31) - I was very proud of that. But once we divorced, things got got weird. And it is an excuse, but it's also a feeling like it's true when they would come over. I had very limited time and obviously you were picking up English really quick and you could pick Spanish, but the difference between you and your cousins, who also they're bilingual.

Fe (00:25:52) - Yes, Right.

Teevee (00:25:53) - They're all they all speak, but they both. Yeah, All your cousins speak both languages very well. But at home that would speak Spanish. Predominantly Spanish. We're going to go to school this way. I learned and we learned English. I didn't have you at home. And I can sit here and make every excuse in the book. But the truth is, I didn't have the time I needed to to feel like you were understanding every word I said. I placed priority on that. I wanted to do things and that was against a disease. So pardon me for kind of get emotional here. I needed them to understand as much of what I was saying as possible because they clearly already were already understanding English.

Teevee (00:26:29) - So I didn't do it. I didn't spend the time I could have they should probably should have. It's never done. I know that I do have a great relationship with them. I know we do have great conversations. And hopefully you are you're speaking more Spanish. You understand more Spanish, let's say speaking. But you understand more Spanish. Yeah. You understand when it's being spoken to you, you know, whether your grandparents are trying to say something, you understand everything that they're saying. Um, but. That is what it is. And then I start seeing the tiktoks and the memes around the kids and it's like it's sad, but at the same time it is what it is. It's a running joke because it's a really common thing. Um, even when both parents are Mexican American or Mexican, it just, it just happens because they're being raised here. Um, it is, it happens. It's been happening historically throughout the dawn of a time where the new languages was being picked up. I feel better knowing that It's not like I'm the only weird one, but it's just.

Teevee (00:27:30) - It's. It's a part of sometimes what happened.

Fe (00:27:33) - And I also, I've heard some stories coming from a kids with immigrant parents who speak almost only Spanish, but they forced themselves to learn English and then their children, once they had children, it was your only speaking English because they have this perspective of my kids are closer to the American dream. If they're more American. Um, and so I heard that and I think that's we did a podcast, um, Regina Montoya's podcast. There was a young girl that was interviewed and she spoke about that, the No kids and. It's like there are everyone has different backgrounds, there's diff, everyone has. A different excuse, a different reasoning, then a different.

Teevee (00:28:20) - Explanation of why things were done.

Fe (00:28:22) - But is it? It is a thing. There are parents who are scared their kids won't. So they have these American names now and then. They don't speak that much Spanish because it's like. They believe I am. You're more in touch with being American if you're a point of pride.

Teevee (00:28:39) - Oh, I know. So you have a boyfriend?

Fe (00:28:45) - Yes, I do.

Teevee (00:28:48) - Yeah. This has been. He's a liberal. Um. When you first told me that that was a thing and that you're serious and never really involved, I told you that I had to meet them. And I told you that I. I needed to know him, and I. And I ended up calling it a bro date. That's what I call it. Oh, yeah. Okay. Um, you didn't hesitate when I told you that.

Fe (00:29:20) - Correct or not?

Teevee (00:29:21) - When I asked that, I actually felt it a little bit like. Oh, well, you were like, Sure. It's let me know. We're. Let's figure it out. Even so, my question is, why didn't you hesitate? And I'll give you some context in additional context. I posted about that that I was going to have a birthday. Yeah, I had so many women, mothers or daughters say it, Oh my, there's no way my dad was at would ever meet anyone I dated when I was younger or versions of that like, wow, how is that even possible? And I knew it was weird.

Teevee (00:29:55) - But when they started chiming in like, Oh man, I guess it's really strange. So why did you not hesitate with this idea?

Fe (00:30:03) - I did not hesitate with this idea because I believe you have really done well at creating an image or. Yeah. Of who I should be with or the people I should be interested in and the people that. Are attracted to me. Like there are people that I attract come with the same energy like. And so I wasn't scared because I believed in my heart that I chose someone great. That you were going to love that you you're going to have a connection with that. It was, um, I know we were still very young and still very young, but I know. If I'm bringing someone into my life. And then of course, having you meet them, then we're and they're on a path to grow and become an amazing human being. And that's just it. You taught me that. And so I knew I am interested in in good people.

Teevee (00:31:07) - And so you didn't have a problem with me meeting him?

Fe (00:31:10) - No, I mean, of course.

Fe (00:31:12) - Like, I mean. I mean, yes, there's nerves. There's always nerves. Like, oh, my God. Like, it's a long time, too. It's not normal. Yeah.

Teevee (00:31:19) - Take him down. Dark alley.

Fe (00:31:20) - Yeah. Yeah. And just. That's another thing. And in our culture and you're specifically like on that side, um, it's not traditional for a dad to have alone time with a boyfriend or it's like we're always together, you know? And so you have always made it a thing that although you've never done it, like you've never done that, um, I was okay with it because I saw it coming. Because if I'm not okay with someone who can spend a long time with my dad, and because I'm scared, something's going to be sad, or then I'm. Then that was never a good choice to begin with. Um. And so if I were to show those early signs and that would have gave myself a hint like, Oh, Fay, you don't believe what you're saying out loud, because what do you.

Teevee (00:32:09) - Think what you think about this individual is true if you don't feel comfortable.

Fe (00:32:15) - Yeah. If I'm yeah. If I am uncomfortable with you spending a long time and I'm acting like I'm okay, but the second, like, it's happening, I'm like, oh, freaking out. Then it opens up my eyes like what I really think. And so, yeah, that's why I think. Just break. It's very, very simple. It's like that simple is.

Teevee (00:32:37) - Yeah, because we never talked about it. But I know that you didn't hesitate.

Fe (00:32:41) - And then and, and we've had those conversations of. Um, when I tell you someone's important to me, when I tell you I may make the decisions I make is because you taught me to. Um, love good people. Like you've given me a good picture of who I need to be interested in. Um. The values a guy should have. And then if they're not mimicking that, like mimicking you in a way. Then I like. I like I make it.

Fe (00:33:22) - I make it obvious or like. Or run away. No, because I don't believe in running away right away fixing things like. Well, no.

Teevee (00:33:30) - If it doesn't match that, if that person doesn't match any of those things in the first place, he probably shouldn't even be speaking to them on those terms.

Fe (00:33:36) - Oh, yes, that's what I'm saying. Referring to one of the biggest things you taught me is being vulnerable right away. So my core values in life and my boundaries were set right away. I think from day one. Those were the like with him. Yes. Okay. Yeah.

Teevee (00:33:52) - Although we're still talking about him.

Fe (00:33:54) - Although, yes, it was like we're barely talking. We're barely dating.

Teevee (00:33:58) - Yeah, y'all got serious quick. So I'm like, oh, and hell no. It was.

Fe (00:34:02) - It was, it was it was a big deal for me to talk about my non-negotiables, my boundaries, because. It's it's better it's better to speak about those than being a two year long relationship.

Fe (00:34:18) - And then.

Teevee (00:34:19) - Oh, by the way, I don't want you doing that because I never liked it.

Fe (00:34:23) - What? Yeah, sure. You. It's happening Like it should be discussed in beginning. So when you're because it hurts more, um, than being, um. What's the word? Whenever you get oh, is better being rejected than being in a relationship and having to break it off because you didn't speak about something in the beginning. Yeah, you weren't honest. You acted like you're okay with things. But once it happened, you realize how hurt you were. So that's what I say. Like, it's. I spoke about those things. We spoke about those things very early on. So whenever you wanted to meet him? Very early on, I was like, Yeah.

Teevee (00:35:02) - Did he hesitate when you when you offered to meet with him? He was.

Fe (00:35:07) - Nervous. He was. He was nervous. It's new.

Teevee (00:35:10) - Like. Yeah.

Fe (00:35:11) - Yeah. Like I said, it's new. It's he.

Fe (00:35:16) - It's something that doesn't happen in our culture, even in our age. Like, I've never heard of our people in our age group already meeting and getting this close to their their partner's parents. I mean, it happens. It happens differently. I feel like for women, it's the women thing. Like women get close. The mother in law's and the daughter, like they get very close.

Teevee (00:35:37) - With the boys.

Fe (00:35:38) - Don't men the men? Yes. They never have that.

Teevee (00:35:42) - Oh, yeah.

Fe (00:35:43) - They never have that relationship. And so I knew I, I knew, um, it was, it was a thing because they don't have the quality time. So I'm like, a lot of men in our culture don't have that quality time with their own fathers. And so getting that with you, it's like.

Teevee (00:36:00) - That hit close to home.

Fe (00:36:01) - Yeah, it's a it's a big deal. And so, um, but I knew, but I was so supportive towards it actually, because I want, I, if, if I truly care about my partner and the person I'm with, then I would want a good manly figure to be in their life.

Fe (00:36:20) - And I know that's you like you have been that figure for me to kind of mimic on who I'm with. And so them seeing who you truly are and why I believe what I believe and why I stand on what I stand for. Yes. It's not I'm I want a fairy tale. No, it's my dad. Like I have high expectations because who my dad is. And so.

Teevee (00:36:43) - Yeah. Thank you. Um. When I when I offered that it was a and he when we talked it was never about intimidation. And I'm sure. Oh yeah. That in many cases there is the scenario that plays out is some type of intimidation. You know my girl hurt, you know, one girl's a big girl and clearly you're a good dude. I think I remember I told you something like that. Like if she shoots you, you you pass through a lot of qualifications to a lot of filters to make it there, So you must be a good person. So let's let's get to know each other.

Teevee (00:37:17) - Although you are what you stand for, what you're looking to do. And I don't think we've continued it. We're up to our third or fourth one is something that I now have scheduled every quarter. I'm at every month, every quarter. So that way we can just check in and see where he's at and question my way to to try to change the narrative and the stories that that revolve around what it means to turn a podcast or some real yesterday by Charlamagne God the Pivot podcast. And he talks about how manhood in reality used to be about being criminals. Basically it's all about having the most sex with the most women and beating up everyone else and doing anything you want. It was only like being his Manhood is about being the most macho version.

Fe (00:38:04) - A jerk.

Teevee (00:38:05) - And jerk and this new criminal deeds. Um. For me, a man is a man that is comfortable in his own skin, comfortable with other human beings from other groups, younger, older, female, like you name it. A man is someone that can be comfortable with anyone and everyone while allowing them to be their selves, um, without feeling intimidated or needing to intimidate.

Teevee (00:38:30) - I think that's the key part to it. There's a lot of men that the way it's traditionally presented is the needing to intimidate your children or your spouse or partner your family into being a certain way or beat.

Fe (00:38:44) - Them up like I am the.

Teevee (00:38:47) - Heavens to enforce it.

Fe (00:38:48) - The Enforcer Yes, that is yes.

Teevee (00:38:51) - That's a traditional way of trying to position ourselves as men, and I feel like it's bigger than that. And so my goal with it is have a conversation. Who is this dude? What does he stand for? All right. Checks out like and I had a hunch, obviously, but I want to be in your life. I want to be in your life. And I don't want it to just be one sided. I want him to know that he could have conversation with me.

Fe (00:39:16) - He can disagree with me to, you.

Teevee (00:39:21) - Know, like you can tell me that you disagree or she did something that you don't like and it'll stay here. And I'll give you the honest truth. Like, yeah, like she screwed up.

Teevee (00:39:30) - She probably shouldn't have said that. That's probably. That's probably out of pocket.

Fe (00:39:33) - And you taught me as well. If I'm not comfortable with what someone disagrees with me like someone if he were to come to you. So because y'all have that relationship now to talk about something I did and I'm so scared. Like, what am I doing wrong? Probably because I'm pro. Yeah. If I couldn't. And so, um, those are the things you taught me. And, um, I know all relationships are private and should remain private. Yes, I still believe that things that happened between us are still shareable. Like, I don't know, I'm comfortable.

Teevee (00:40:12) - Intimate?

Fe (00:40:13) - Yes, but you've taught like. But because. How do I say this? Like we talked about when running, like running from a relationship.

Teevee (00:40:23) - Running away.

Fe (00:40:23) - Running away. Um. If I knew I was doing something that I should have done that like that should have like I should be running away. I think that's what I like.

Fe (00:40:36) - I don't know how to phrase it is. If I were scared for him to ever meet you or continue speaking to you, that is my sign of okay, that is your time to leave. Because you all have that relationship. Those signs will show automatically because.

Teevee (00:40:55) - That you're ashamed almost of your behavior or something that's going out of the relationship. Yeah.

Fe (00:41:00) - And so.

Teevee (00:41:01) - Well, have all of that. Um. I just as much as I want to have a relationship with you because you're my daughter. And I told her like, I will always support you, but I will disagree with you and I won't have no problem telling you or telling them if it comes up. And I could be kind of an arbitrator, I guess, in the scenario that y'all do disagree. I don't mind talking to both of you just consoling or just giving you advice. Sorry, you're in the room. So I'm speaking in first person. He's in the room. He's speaking to him in first person is behind this camera.

Teevee (00:41:32) - But it was very important to me. I want to do different than previous generations because there's better ways. There's got to be better ways to speak to each other and to hold each other accountable or just give somebody a shoulder to cry on or someone to just bent to or frankly, just have a have a good time having a conversation about your triumphs and your tribulations. So that was a big deal to me, but I was wanting to hear what it was like on the other side, like, Oh my God, I don't want to meet you.

Fe (00:42:03) - I mean, yeah, it's still. It's still, um. Nerve wracking this word, right? Because me. Yeah, you are my dad. So, um. And then, of course, I speak. I think. I like to assume that I speak very highly of you. So that's why I say he was probably, like, nervous because you mean he has to to meet the person and someone I talk speak highly about in our relationship.

Fe (00:42:30) - And then I spoke about, like I said, our core values, my core values, my boundaries most when those topics came up and my non-negotiables came up. I like stated because of my dad. I make it so obvious where some of my core values come from. And just like like he can see you and me. He can see my mom in me too.

Teevee (00:42:53) - He also knows that you're not making all this up.

Fe (00:42:55) - Yes. Um.

Teevee (00:42:56) - Information from.

Fe (00:42:57) - He knows. Like I even said, like, I would always stand up. Like I'm very verbal. Um, I get that from my mom. Like, that's where I can't. I do stand up for myself. Like, although you've taught me to. The signs to run away to do this and that. My mom taught me to be very verbal and very I'm very, very upfront about my emotions. Like if you can read it on me, like I'm not I don't have to shout it, but I do get I will get I could go there.

Fe (00:43:31) - Um, I could raise my voice. I could have. And so. Um, yes.

Teevee (00:43:38) - Next question.

Fe (00:43:39) - Okay. I have a question for you then. How is it like. Um, because I know I'm young. And how is it like me coming to you and and talking to you, just opening up to you about, I mean, how fast we've moved and being open to you about it. Like, how was that? Because, like, I know there's some things or there's like, there's several there's several things that I have come to you about. About us. Um, but the first. First night. I like, seriously told you like, oh, this is serious. How how is that coming from your side? Your emotions.

Teevee (00:44:16) - And it was never broken because at the end of the day, you're still my child or you're my baby. You're the older of the two. You stole my baby and. It just made me realize that you're no longer a child. Because I look at things and I look around and I'm like, I feel like.

Teevee (00:44:40) - 2010 was last week and you were eight years old. It literally feels that way. It's so confusing to think that you're 20. Pushing 21. Um, so from that point of view, it was it was challenging and made me realize that it's time to really get ready because life's about to come at you fast. Um, but aside from that, I felt. A sense of joy knowing that you trusted me enough to come with me with that information, that you weren't going to get belittled in any way, that you weren't going to get dismissed for making Rush choices and jumping into a new relationship. How do you know him? How well do you know him? How do you know that he's any good?

Fe (00:45:27) - Because I told you right away, like we weren't even. Yeah, like I'm talking to someone, and I just know you. And so I told you right away, like I was talking to you.

Teevee (00:45:37) - Yeah, you did. Um. I have this as a parent. We I try to always instill good values in you.

Teevee (00:45:48) - And there comes a point where once they're instilled, once they're installed. The values, the programming, the the brainwashing, because that's what we're doing as parents who are brainwashing you. But once that was done, um, there comes a point where it's like the program just has to run on its own. And if, if you doubt as a parent that the programming isn't going to run as maybe you didn't install it well enough or you weren't clear or you weren't. It or you were confusing. Yeah, you were. You weren't clear. And I had confidence that I did my best in giving you the values that are going to serve you in life. Not some that just served me temporarily, not some that kept you from getting into things because it benefited me or like kept you out of trouble. But values that were going to serve you for the rest of your life because they're timeless. There are certain things in the world that are just good values to live by. So there comes a time when.

Teevee (00:46:48) - You're now running the program on your own. You're now running those valleys on top of those valleys, running a life on top of those values. And I have to trust that you are selecting a human being that is of equal or greater value than that which I have offered you, that this man, this young man is. Good and have to trust that you're going to run accordingly. You have things and are aware of things that I didn't learn to post. 30. Period. That's why you're advancing, I think, in life so well, because you literally have knowledge and information that I didn't have to lose 35, like something a little bit like it's crazy. So because of that, I feel like you're making connections that I couldn't make at your age. So I have to trust that. So it was it was crazy. But at the same time, like, I felt a tremendous amount of pride that you trusted me enough that I wasn't going to insult your intelligence and your your emotional and intellectual intelligence.

Teevee (00:47:49) - That might be an oxymoron, but never you mind. You keep you keep listening. What do you.

Fe (00:47:55) - Think? Yes. And that's what I think. Um, so I told you about him and then I was like, wait, there's always those conversations and then there. Wait.

Teevee (00:48:05) - I have something to share. Like, Are you like this?

Fe (00:48:08) - Yeah. There are so many moments where that happened. And then then he he had also I had brought him one day to pick up a desk. There's so many little things where you met.

Teevee (00:48:18) - Oh, you met that guy that picked up the desk. Yeah. I went to.

Fe (00:48:22) - Like I had already.

Teevee (00:48:23) - Oh, I was. Did I flip it around?

Fe (00:48:25) - Yes, You flipped it around. I already knew what I wanted. And like I said, I put those. We had those conversations.

Teevee (00:48:33) - Um, my dad.

Fe (00:48:35) - And the the serious conversations about relationships and our beliefs, both of our beliefs and core values in a relationship. Um, and he also did very well at teaching.

Fe (00:48:48) - If you truly want to be loving and like open, there's going to be a compromise and you have to learn to be a very compromised person, um, to be in a good relationship. And so setting those compromises right away, like all these, this is what I'm going to be compromising. Can you find a middle for me to on this part, please, or else this this is not going to work. And so having those deep and very hard conversations happened in the beginning. And so. That's what led to me being able to be like, Yeah, there's this one boy and then no. Okay. And then, yeah, you can meet him. You can spend your alone time with him. That's fine, because. I truly think I know him as a human being. And so. And then I told you we had those conversations. Trust me, I wouldn't be with someone you wouldn't be proud of because of who you are. Yeah, because of who you. Who you are as a father.

Fe (00:49:48) - Because you do. It's like you have a big role. Create an image, like I said. Like you create something that I go and mirror with someone that I who I want to be with. And so.

Teevee (00:50:02) - It's crazy. If you break it down. A lot of it's been said, it's been study that a lot of us we end up partnering up with the version of our parents or other father and like that was actually something that thanks for reminding me. That's something that I thought of years ago as I was divorcing and trying to rebuild my life like. I came across the information. Your your children will inevitably find a version of you as their partner. Oh, hell no. I got to do something about that. Haven't. Because I wasn't very proud of the man I was. Yeah. So what did I need to do? I tried to take steps towards improving who I was internally and externally. So by the time you get to here now. And here in that it's like. That makes me incredibly happy that I became that human being that you can be proud of, that you can find a version of which is eerie.

Teevee (00:51:03) - By the way, dude was so great. But you are a good thing. You're a fantastic person. I've said this to her numerous times. Um, she has a good bullshit detector.

Teevee (00:51:14) - That.

Teevee (00:51:16) - They can smell it. And as she's been trained, she's been taught and she knows what good human being looks like. I like to think I am. And last topic of the day is this. You're getting.

Fe (00:51:25) - Old. Yes, I am.

Teevee (00:51:27) - So is your sister.

Fe (00:51:29) - Yes.

Teevee (00:51:30) - Her graduation was last week. My youngest daughter's graduation was last Saturday and her graduation party was on Sunday. And it's kind of crazy to think that we're here now. Um, 18 years ago. No, wait. Yeah. 18 years ago. No, uh, a long time ago when I divorced, I didn't know how we were going to get here. Yeah, I literally. When I say I was in pieces, I was in business. I had faith that it would all come together. I was going to do everything I can in my power to make sure to be there for them and do all these things.

Teevee (00:52:01) - But it's crazy that we're here. I have something I'm working on titled. I'm going to title it between summers. Okay. That's all I had 15 summers and when he was 14, I had 14 summers with you and 15 with your sister. And that's all I had. One month every summer in June, I ran out of June's with you girls, whereas your sister right now, because she's grown, she's 18, she has a car, she has a job, she's about to go to college. And that's the question, though. What's that like? How does it feel knowing that your baby sister is about to go bye bye.

Fe (00:52:41) - It's very, very. Like I get very emotional sometimes. It hits me at different times. But the. I feel so proud. That's like, all I can say. One. I know her and I are almost the complete opposite. But we are so similar in so many ways. And so seeing her because I know, like my dad shares how proud he is of me and then she shares with me.

Fe (00:53:11) - But seeing her now go towards her journey, like start her journey, I mean, do it her way makes me feel so happy. And it only shows how strong we are because we're choosing our paths.

Teevee (00:53:25) - And it's a different path than yours, right?

Fe (00:53:28) - Yeah, it's a completely different path. But like, I know she's going to do amazing. Um, like, I am so like, I. Can I speak so highly about her to everyone, about how smart she is because. Goodness. Because that's what we have. We are. How do I say so? Her weaknesses are like my strengths and her and my weaknesses are her strengths. Like that's why we go. So I think we get along so well and we're so close, um, because we are the opposites, but together, like we have always been amazing together. Don't get an argument with me and Ana because we disagree with each other, but we'll come at you. We disagree so well that we can argue against someone else.

Fe (00:54:13) - And so it's it's so crazy seeing her leave. And cheese. I mean, we all I we always knew I was going to college. It was. It was always a thing. Um.

Teevee (00:54:28) - It was very much an academic.

Fe (00:54:30) - Yes. And so seeing her choose finally get comfortable. And even if she's not comfortable yet, I know while she's in college, she's going to figure herself out. Um, and knowing because that's a tough position to put yourself into is moving away from family and then figuring out who you're going to be. Um. I mean, I stayed in Dallas. I'm pretty close to my dad right now. And so it's like it's a. She's brave for that and being like one of the first in our family, even on my mom's side, to leave Texas. It's insane. And so, I mean, she knows that I'm. I mean, I spoil her as much as I can before she leaves. Um, she'll be here. But I'm very proud to say that, um, I've given her all her the love while she's been here, and it's not like, Oh, I'm giving you love because you're leaving now.

Fe (00:55:27) - Um. And that's why I guess I'm not spoiling her to a certain extent. Like I'm not going too crazy just because she's leaving, because I know I'm going to still see her. And this is my way of saying she better call me because we're not losing contact at all. Yeah.

Teevee (00:55:45) - Wow. Yeah, it's. It's insane. I'm actually working on planning her. What am I planning? Her, uh, her trip to drop her off.

Fe (00:55:56) - Oh, yeah, She's taking her car.

Teevee (00:55:58) - Yeah, she's taking her car.

Fe (00:55:59) - That's insane. She told me that Daniel's like. Goodness. Oh, my God. You're. You're trying all the way over there.

Teevee (00:56:04) - Yeah, it's 14 hours. She's got to. Yes. Sorry you didn't get to see that. We did. He bugged out, like, what, 14 hours? So 14 hour drive. We're working on the logistics of that. We had to finalize it, but she needs to be there sometime in August, I forget. Middle of August.

Teevee (00:56:24) - And that's crazy because we were just I hope this is the last big planning thing I have to do. I hate this part of the of life planning, but I do.

Fe (00:56:35) - It.

Teevee (00:56:36) - That's true. However, like the graduation party was a killer, like Carla handled most of it, thank God. Or else I would have lost my mind. But planning that Airbnb driving up, scheduling the drive, what time we got to be there? We're telling me coming back and actually getting the time off. Um, that'll be an incredibly emotional drive, but I'm so excited for her. I feel that. We all need to travel. We all need to ride out into the wind for a while. If possible. Like you stayed. I said there's nothing wrong with it either. But I try to encourage her that if it's available to her, she should try it because I think it will help shape her into a new person. I am so curious. I was talking to Carly yesterday about this. So curious to see what she's at in two years.

Teevee (00:57:27) - Not even when.

Teevee (00:57:28) - Not for two as she shapes into the woman that she's going to become? I think. Yeah.

Fe (00:57:33) - Because even.

Teevee (00:57:34) - Because you I.

Fe (00:57:35) - Took me a while. Like even after taking the internship, like I was already from like, oh yeah.

Teevee (00:57:40) - But even then at 18, but between 18 when you got that, essentially got that to now you've become the woman that you basically are going to be. I think you've stepped into the, the woman, the womanly role and that persona.

Teevee (00:57:56) - So yeah.

Fe (00:57:57) - Who I am going to be for the rest of my life. Yes, exactly. Um, and even then I faced my the challenges, those obstacles of like, like we talked in the last one like, um, do I do everyone's doing and go to a job that's making the most money or do I stay at a job that's going to give me the most, um, and the for the most opportunity. Exactly. And so she is going to have that, um, I mean, she's going to be juggling a lot, like she's going to be doing a lot.

Fe (00:58:27) - And so she, we're going to see her because we like to think we know who we are. Like at 18, like I already knew, like 18 is nothing like even 20 is nothing like I still have so much life to to live. But now I know who I'm becoming. I know my future. I know my path. I know my. And so seeing and I could have that because I know she's going to be out there for five years and seeing like her in two years, say, like maybe she stays out there or after this, I'm moving even further from y'all.

Teevee (00:59:01) - Like, because this.

Fe (00:59:03) - Is the stuff you realize because like, um, although you're not settling down at 20 and retiring, like, at this moment, I know where I want to go. Like, I know where I want to settle down. I know the life that I want to have in ten years from now. I know how it want, like how it I want it to look like. Um, and so that's why I am the human that I am.

Fe (00:59:26) - That's why I do certain things I do because I'm working towards that. And so seeing on a really, really decide who she's going to be and.

Teevee (00:59:37) - What she's going to study, where she's.

Teevee (00:59:39) - I have an idea.

Fe (00:59:41) - She has an idea. Yeah, but she has a. A lot more, I believe. Compared to me, she has a lot more. Wiggle room to change her mind because I kind of had set that path for myself that I was like, this is it like in. But I knew. But that's the thing. I knew myself that I was going to like it. I saw my dad. I saw him love every aspect of it and his job. And then I knew I am like the like the image, like I am him. I am my dad in many ways. And so I'm like, okay, then maybe this will fit my personality, my like. And it did. And like it did. He has perfectly, um, I can't imagine myself doing anything else.

Fe (01:00:26) - Um. But seeing Ana kind of really figure out because she's going to have she's going gonna have so much fun out there. I know it. And then she's going to face so many things and.

Teevee (01:00:37) - She's a problem solver, too.

Teevee (01:00:38) - I'm not really.

Fe (01:00:39) - Really strong because she's doing it.

Teevee (01:00:41) - On her own. Yeah, she's a strong little human being, though.

Fe (01:00:47) - Because, like, occasionally, like, what am I going to get her for her present? I still haven't even given her graduation present.

Teevee (01:00:52) - And.

Teevee (01:00:53) - Oh, wait, we got to give her a going away present or something.

Fe (01:00:55) - No, but that's how I know. A graduation present you've given her. Like. Yeah.

Teevee (01:01:01) - There's more.

Fe (01:01:02) - Um, no, the actual. Her graduation present. Because I know how tough it is. Like, I hear all the college stories my friends have, and I wish I could help. There's, like, these moments in my head, like, I want to give her a credit card and, like, this is your budget.

Fe (01:01:16) - So if you ever need like, she. I don't want her to ever starve. Like, I don't want her.

Teevee (01:01:20) - To go through.

Fe (01:01:21) - Those college. Like, um, I know you're here for her. I'm here for her. She has my mom. She has Monique. She has all of us. But having that so she knows that something she should never stress about. Um, and knowing that I'm here for her. Like, you don't have to ask because that's what you also put into us. We're really good at not asking. Um. But she's in it. She's going to be in a different situation where there are going to be times where she's going to need to ask because, I mean, she's going for five years if she's getting her master's. That's insane. Like, she's going to be super busy. And so I want her to know that I'm already here for you. You don't have to ask for a support system. Yeah, you have a support system because I know how hard it gets for people who do move away from home and they're actually working.

Fe (01:02:06) - Like, I want her to be able to focus on her on that while she's gone and not ever have to worry because I still have that support system here, although I don't ask for the help I know I have.

Teevee (01:02:19) - Because I won't give it.

Teevee (01:02:19) - To her. Yeah, Not because she's.

Teevee (01:02:21) - She's handling it. She's problem solving.

Teevee (01:02:23) - To get back to a point, number one.

Fe (01:02:25) - But it's harder to have that when you're away from family. And then of course you have put that into us where we're never asking for anything. And so I know, I know that's a big, big quality of ours, but it also can be yeah, yeah. Not a quality really.

Teevee (01:02:42) - That is a great point.

Fe (01:02:43) - I don't want to see her struggle because she's.

Teevee (01:02:45) - Too proud or. Yeah, she doesn't.

Teevee (01:02:47) - Dad said I should figure it out. No, we're still here. Like, there's some reality to the world where.

Fe (01:02:52) - Because it's like, in reality. Yeah, you're super far away from everyone.

Fe (01:02:55) - It's okay to to have that.

Teevee (01:02:58) - So what's going to. This is what I'm going to do. Since you made this a point. I'm going to have a conversation with her and we can all have it like sister daughter, like, listen, like you are amazing and you're going to do great things. However, at times, if you're going to if you stumble, we're here. You don't have to starve. There's none of that. Like we're here and don't even feel any.

Teevee (01:03:19) - Way to.

Fe (01:03:19) - Treat yourself because that's a big thing to.

Teevee (01:03:23) - You getting this information from your college students? No, because you're like, feel like you're sharing this from a place of knowing.

Fe (01:03:31) - Well, yeah, no, I know. Like, everybody has their broke college kid moments and, like, they actually were starving. They actually.

Teevee (01:03:40) - Ramen noodles. Ramen ramen. $600.

Teevee (01:03:44) - There's a tuna.

Fe (01:03:45) - Is panini.

Teevee (01:03:45) - Right?

Teevee (01:03:46) - Yeah, it's a bread.

Fe (01:03:48) - So yeah there's like a make I don't know because they don't allow certain things in dorms and in certain housing.

Fe (01:03:53) - So like people literally were making like the weirdest things in college.

Teevee (01:03:57) - Is this on.

Teevee (01:03:57) - TikTok?

Fe (01:03:58) - No, no. I actually have heard stories because, like mentors that were in high school that were in college, like although they were there to tell us how great college was, they're giving us a lot of horrible story.

Teevee (01:04:10) - So I never heard those. I didn't get that far because I didn't go to college and I didn't have those conversations.

Teevee (01:04:14) - So, yes.

Fe (01:04:15) - I just I and it's hard to treat yourself whenever. You're working towards your dreams. It's like, no, no, like it's hard. And so, like, being there to tell her, like, and give her that would be awesome.

Teevee (01:04:29) - So we'll make sure to have that conversation. Okay. Book that.

Fe (01:04:32) - Okay.

Teevee (01:04:34) - All right, ladies and gentlemen, that is it for today. Hopefully you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun. Thank you to the studio audience who gave us a thumbs up.

Teevee (01:04:43) - I think he enjoyed it. Um, I appreciate you for tuning in once again. My name is the same. My marketing name, my alias. Thank you for tuning in to The Teevee Show podcast. This is. Yeah. Thank you for tuning in. Until next time, make sure to, like, subscribe, leave a comment, leave a review. I don't know. There's buttons here. There's probably something you could do. Share this with the world. This is the Daddy Daughter podcast. We will continue to do these until she says no or something else happens to me. Until then.

Teevee (01:05:17) - Bye. But why would you do that? Oh, my gosh. Choke.