It was 2007ish. I was at a desperate point in my life. I was freshly divorced and knew it was time to make some big bets on myself and my future. My daughters were itty bitty and depended on me getting things figured out. Lad...
I became acutely aware of what the term "daddy issues" meant as I started dating after my divorce. I had a ton of them. This fact is apparent to anyone who has read my writing for any length of time. The women that I dated ha...
As a young father, I came across so many individuals who despised their family and family name. I found this heartbreaking. I had to change that with my daughters. If I could instill a sense of pride in being an Aguirre, then...
They can shoot a basketball with decent form. They throw and catch a football (often better than most boys). They can write with power and vulnerability, step on stage, and share their truth with a room full of people. They c...
“ I will never drink ,” screamed little 7-year-old Teevee. Hearing my father vomit in the toilet after a long night of drinking is a memory I will have eternally etched in my mind. I wondered why anyone would drink so much th...
“ I will never drink ,” screamed little 7-year-old Teevee. Hearing my father vomit in the toilet after a long night of drinking is a memory I will have eternally etched in my mind. I wondered why anyone would drink so much th...
If anyone asks me in conversation, I freely answer. I never say: Oh my, you know that it’s not polite to ask a gentleman his age, right? Read more on blog:
Eleven years ago I was invited to speak at my daughter's Career Day. This is the story of that day and I what I shared with them.