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Nov. 6, 2024

From Crayons to Career Goals: How Parent-Child Connections Shape Careers and Life Lessons

Get ready for a captivating episode of The Teevee Show Podcast, where I dive deep into a heartfelt and humorous conversation with my lovely daughter, Fe! 

Together, we navigate the wild journey of her new life as a mom—trust me, there are plenty of laughs and a few tantrums (mostly hers, just kidding!). We not only share our thoughts on the ups and downs of parenting but also how our relationships have been tested and strengthened through it all.

We take a moment to reflect on the chaos of spontaneous date nights, the trials of managing a career while parenting, and how we both learn from each other every step of the way. 

So, if you’re a parent, a contemporary millennial, or just someone looking for a good giggle, we promise this episode will feel like a cozy chat between friends. Join us as we share our stories, insights, and a sprinkle of humor while tackling the beautiful messiness of family life together!


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00:00:00:01 - 00:00:24:12
A lot of young adults who go through the same journey as me have these moments where like, oh, I'm missing this as an adult, and I don't even think about what I missed because I don't believe I miss anything. I believe what has happened has happened for a reason, and it's meant to happen to me. I know there's a saying, let me learn yourself to love yourself before getting into a relationship, but I truly don't believe you know.

00:00:24:12 - 00:00:54:10
You don't know your best self until you have been tested with someone. Having Ezra has really taught us that. I believe we're very responsible people, but you have to be even more responsible. There's no such thing as to respond to the best reason. Marketing for me is just I'm already a people person, and marketing is all about making people feel heard, feel respected, feel listened to, feel important.

00:00:54:12 - 00:01:17:09
And so I always I feel like I thrive in this because that's who I am. I've always believed strongly in relationships, and I know that's what I'm building right now. I'm not even building clientele. I'm building relationships. And that's just the biggest thing, because I have these group of people who genuinely care for me and I care for them, and we care for each other succeeding.

00:01:17:11 - 00:01:39:22
And I just know that these are the people I'm going to bring with me when I become successful, or as successful as I want to be. My goals when I reach my goals. Hello everyone, and welcome to the Teevee Show podcast, where we're joined once again with fan favorite and loving daughter, old eldest daughter there.

00:01:40:00 - 00:02:08:23
I even welcome. Yay! Welcome back baby. Good to have you back. How are you doing? Doing great. Doing awesome. How are you? You look. You look smiley. I like that I miss your smile sometimes because I was like, I'm just messing with you, okay? I'll still see my. Yeah, I unless I miss, a lot of chat has happened since last time she was here.

00:02:09:01 - 00:02:33:17
And, one of the big things that that happened is that you became a mother. Yeah, there's different ways, but, yeah, like, I'm. I'm a mommy. I became a grandpa. She made me a grandpa, and, Yeah, that was crazy. So it's been that long? It's been so long since she's been on the show that. How old is this kid now?

00:02:33:19 - 00:02:55:19
He is a year old, and I was pregnant with him at the last episode with me as a guest, but at that time, we had announced it. So that's why. It is, I feel I want because by the time you posted the podcast, he was already born, right? Yes, he was. He was an idea. And the idea was to have her back on.

00:02:55:19 - 00:03:16:03
But life got busy. Her schedule got so crazy. So getting her back on was absolutely stupid. And now the kids are your old. So one of the first things I wanted to talk about there is, and I get this question a lot. So is she always dropping them off here? Take care of the kid. Is she always calling you?

00:03:16:05 - 00:03:36:08
And the truth is, it's that's not what happens. I, I don't I do see him enough getting across, but I, I don't see him as much as people would assume, like, oh, my God, I'm sure she needs you all the time and blah, blah blah. So thank you for that. You're actually, have done a pretty good job of, maintaining that, I'm figuring that out, I guess, as you go along.

00:03:36:14 - 00:04:03:01
No. Yeah. I don't you know what? It is something that happened naturally. Honestly, becoming a parent, I wanted to make sure Ezra was with us, majority of the time, because I see a lot. Where? Well, nothing's wrong with the. I don't want it to happen. Like, for me, that to be true to me is the grandparent is like the active parent to the kid.

00:04:03:03 - 00:04:22:14
Where the kid listens more to the grandparents and the parents. I don't want that to be me. I wanted to be able to learn why he was upset, what triggers him, and things like that. And I also just like quality time. I work full time. And so even on the weekends, I would I want that time with him.

00:04:22:14 - 00:04:42:08
So it's really hard to give up my time whenever my dad does watch Ezra because it's like actually needed come in. Maybe in a meeting. Yeah. Something happened, like he said, or my dad asked for some time or where I'm going on a date once, like, officially do like, oh, we haven't gone on a date in three months.

00:04:42:08 - 00:04:58:00
Okay, maybe we do need to get him up for a couple hours during quality time. That actually did happen recently where you had a date. And you're like, hey, do you mind taking care of him for a few hours or something? Yeah, absolutely. It was funny because you had offered when you first offered, yes. He was down for the first time.

00:04:58:02 - 00:05:17:17
So it's been a while since then. You had. Oh, yeah. And then because you, I think you saw, like how tired and exhausted I was, but for some reason it doesn't come naturally and it's just goes into the person I am, not me as a like Ethan, as a parent. For some reason. I don't like asking for things like for help, but someone noticing it, he had like.

00:05:17:18 - 00:05:40:08
And then Carla had brought it up. Like, if you ever need a date night, like we're here for you. And I think the day after I was like, so you free Saturday? Yeah. I was like, whoa, hold on. Okay. So like. And we made it work the worst. But, it was just like that. Like, now that's a quick turnaround.

00:05:40:10 - 00:05:59:12
We had a great time. He's he's he's a good kid, obviously. And I'm enjoying the time with them. And my dad apparently says that I look like him or he looks like me when I was a child. So it's like looking in the mirror. It's a it's a it's a popular opinion. It's a popular opinion, especially from my for my family because they knew me as a child.

00:05:59:16 - 00:06:18:21
Someone else that I know says who? Stacy says, as you it looks like you really you. You push that opinion and then planted the seed. Planted it. There is someone else. I think one of my friends have said he looks like you. I mean, but it's because he, like, looks, I think, a good amount like me. So of course it's kind of.

00:06:18:23 - 00:06:41:13
Yeah, I can see that. I don't really think he looks like me because I'm old and gray. And I don't remember being young and lively like that. So it's kind of crazy to hear that. But anyway, you were gonna say something I think is the Afro. Is it the. I seen the picture of you with your tummy out, like wearing red pants, navy striped shirt?

00:06:41:13 - 00:07:03:02
Yes. And you had, like, a lot of hair. And that is Ezra, like an hour after you. She's hair dries. She's touching it at all time. His hair is really all. But it looks short, not short. It just shrinks. So much. So after a three hours when he's running around doing stuff, it's like huge. Actually, I had somebody in the elevator say that the be like, oh man, I love his afro.

00:07:03:04 - 00:07:26:15
Like, yeah, he looks like me. I love him, I love it. Question. What do you feel? Well, what do you feel has been some of the the lessons that you've been learning along the way that, you know, like, whoa, this is what my dad did or this is or mom did even worse, some of those lessons that you've been able to carry on even at a young age, obviously things change.

00:07:26:17 - 00:07:50:11
Yeah. It's it's a little hard right now to apply. Just patience, I guess, is the key. That's the biggest one and probably the only one at the moment because he doesn't have the memory of a five year old who picks up lessons. Says patience. I mean, I did have a panic attack last week, but it was because he had his first tantrum in the middle of night.

00:07:50:13 - 00:08:10:23
That's right. And at the time, he was also sick. So I thought he was screaming. Crying because he was sick and hurting. Not me, but he was crying because he was uncomfortable. But it was a tantrum. And it was the most interesting night because I myself did not become the nicest person. I was nice to Ezra. I was reaching out to my partner.

00:08:10:23 - 00:08:32:10
She is there. He had to witness me freaking out and anything he told me, like his opinion about housing. No, no, he's not okay. I was so focused on Ezra and I was so set on him being like, referring to me being a tantrum, that I was too focused on freaking out instead of thinking about the other possibilities.

00:08:32:12 - 00:08:53:21
But I still think I, I was somewhat patient, like I would just get quiet and then I'm like trying to process. I think that's one of the things I become really good at. You know, I compare myself to anyone or anything like that, but there has not been one single moment I regret that. That's not how I think.

00:08:53:21 - 00:09:25:01
I don't think in the past him to that day, something it taught us, like things happen, you deal with it and you like saw the problems and go, let's go. And I think because I have that mindset that it has been even greater. So I think a lot of the young adults who go through the same journey as me have these moments like, oh, I'm missing this as an adult, a young, and or I'm missing this and I'm, I'm seeing the positives is, I don't even think about what I miss because I don't believe I miss anything.

00:09:25:01 - 00:09:48:14
I believe, what has happened has happened for a reason. And it's meant to happen to me. And so I do feel that for you, I like to least I'm not to. Y'all. Y'all were never a big party out of it. Like big, massive daters. Like, y'all were always having the new date or, hey, I'm going to go out to girls and I'd have to go clubbing and like this.

00:09:48:17 - 00:10:06:12
A lot of the things that people miss right, is the idea of doing those party type of things. And you, thankfully, have never been that type of individual. So to miss that now, maybe going out whenever you feel like now, it's got to be really so you can't just bounce off like, hey, we want to do this, this and this.

00:10:06:12 - 00:10:30:05
Like, wait, how do we how do we figure out the baby thing? Right? Yeah. In many ways, Ezra has helped me. Or is in the great excuse for the person I asked what? Yeah. Because, yeah, I had to be more strategic, but a lot of the times I didn't want to do that already. So it's he's a bigger excuse to I don't want to go out with friends.

00:10:30:05 - 00:10:55:14
And it was just never my, my thing. And so having a kid, I'm like, this is meant for me because now I don't want to do all that, and there's nothing wrong with it. But it's just it was never for me. And the way I explained it to a lot of people is I do think I had a lot of fun, and I was young and like, our family is loud, like we're I mean, we're some of the loudest people on both sides.

00:10:55:14 - 00:11:16:22
And so when the time I became an adult is like, I just want peace and quiet. And I did I still did a lot as a kid, and it was all legal things. And, none of it was partying. I just spent great quality time with friends that that drain my social battery enough to to by the time I was older.

00:11:16:22 - 00:11:41:00
And by that time I had Ezra, I was like, I'm going to manage this better. And it's a great excuse. Like, so if people want to spend time with me, it's like, let's schedule something. I have a kid. I can't just spontaneously plan something with you. And that's just who I. I've always been a planner in many ways, and that's probably why I got in so many uncomfortable situations with siblings and friends.

00:11:41:02 - 00:12:01:07
What? I became a person they don't like because I hate spontaneous things, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it like it makes me so uncomfortable. You makes it panic like it's super anxious. And Ezra has helped me become more firm on. Yeah, we planning things for people they have to give. Like, oh, yeah, you are a mom now.

00:12:01:12 - 00:12:26:00
Yeah, I can just be mad at you. Even for for being you, not wanting to be spontaneous. And back then it's like you're young. Be spontaneous. You're so boring. Oh, my God, I like. Who are you wearing? Is what 17 year old are you for not wanting to go to Six Flags today? I'm like, that takes planning, that takes energy, that it takes water, it takes I got my money saved up for a good money in the bank.

00:12:26:02 - 00:12:56:09
And so Ezra has become, a great and had a great excuse, but has helped me because I still do. I am a people pleaser. That's reality. So even though I may be uncomfortable at all, I would do it. End up doing it with Ezra. I put my like, I just not putting my foot down, but I'm like the second I bring him up and people don't even push on those kind of plans anymore because they know that it's kind of selfish for them to think about plans before thinking about my kid like, oh, I have to watch him, or I have to find someone to watch him.

00:12:56:09 - 00:13:20:23
So lesson 24 hour notice is kind of mean because that's I'm either paying someone or it's a family member. I have to at that last minute. Right. So it's great. How would you describe, your relationship? Because now you're having to raise this with another human, so. Oh, I was yeah. You and your and your significant other is.

00:13:21:01 - 00:13:54:14
Yeah. It's amazing. In many ways, as tested us. Boy, has it ever. And I think these are the biggest test ever. When people talk about, like, commitment in terms of marriage and having a kid moving in together, I think the kid is the biggest one. I you're bonded for life through blood. So that's why I believe is better than marriage, that kind of, commitment.

00:13:54:16 - 00:14:15:10
And so it has a chance that you both reared it has tested and changed. And our love in many ways, because we have this very. We're still in the honeymoon phase, but back then, it was so honeymoon. It wasn't like all these, responsibilities. Like we weren't thinking about that or next. When we did first start dating, we weren't paying rent.

00:14:15:10 - 00:14:36:13
We were. We weren't doing a lot like we were making good, like making money and didn't have to pay anything like. And so we were out eating and that was our like, we gained so much weight together, this new love weights, because I was showing him all new places that I love. And we're just eating and meals every day out lunch, regular lunch and dinner.

00:14:36:15 - 00:15:00:13
And having Ezra has really taught us that, like, I believe we're very responsible people, but you have to be even more responsible. There's no such thing as, too responsible. And you always want to be a step above that. Because my woman in the middle. Yes. The way we talk to each other in front of him. There's so many things you have to think about.

00:15:00:13 - 00:15:21:18
And those are the kind of discussions that we have at night. We've had conversations at night about, you know, about funny things. Now we're like, okay, let's plan for this. Or did you read do you remember when you did this where, you know, just unpacking, unpacking things and, for some reason, at night, I am a the funny person.

00:15:21:18 - 00:15:37:01
I don't know why, and I become a funny person when I get all giggly. That's maybe because you're tired of having to say like, as they get more tired, they get a little more hysterical. Yes, but they go, it is so bad. Yes. Like go to sleep. I like laughing. But yeah, I used to do that a little too.

00:15:37:01 - 00:16:01:15
But I tributed to you being little girls I know doesn't I never like. That's how it was you. We talk about it now because I was doing it the other day. She's like, why are you like shut up. Yes. But what is I say as hazardous? In many ways it has made us stronger. And it has made us more called to that, I believe, as individuals.

00:16:01:17 - 00:16:22:05
I think you don't learn before you. I know there's a saying, like when you learn yourself, get to love yourself before getting into a relationship. But I truly don't believe you know, you don't know your best self until you have been tested with someone like, you learn with someone because it's like, yeah, I'm good, so alone.

00:16:22:05 - 00:16:49:07
And let me figure out I become a you become a completely different human being. Once you're with someone for so long, you live, you sleep next to them, they breathe and you're used like those little things will have, like impact. Right? So I was I'll say that I'm older. I don't know if you noticed. I'm older and one thing I've concluded about relationships because I've always stayed with married to your mother.

00:16:49:09 - 00:17:13:05
I had a handful of serious relationships since the divorce, and, settling in and into this really serious, loving relationship that I'm in now. But I can seriously say that those relationships helped grow me. As much as this one has, I've become the best version of myself still. Because until you. You butt heads, at the end of the day, you have your thoughts.

00:17:13:05 - 00:17:32:00
He has his thoughts. Vice versa. Somehow or another, you got to mitigate that. You have to figure out, okay, how can we collaborate on art on this particular project with your opinion? In my opinion, and make it work, or with the money or with this or that? And I had to learn through relationships because now it's not just you by yourself.

00:17:32:00 - 00:17:54:13
You have to figure out what they want. And if they're willing to negotiate, and work with you. I've actually also come to believe that hopefully you don't have to go as you can do this with your one, but and every relationship helped really helped me grow because I didn't have the privilege of, of having this parenting, a really intentional parenting.

00:17:54:15 - 00:18:15:10
Role model in my life. You have. So maybe you don't have to go through those trials and tribulations. But for me, every relationship really leveled me up in a way that I needed to. I was less then. I needed to become more responsible, more accountable. In some cases, make more money to make sure that we can live a good life.

00:18:15:12 - 00:18:46:12
But it was those relationships and the fights, the fights were, were necessary. And another thing that's come to mind a lot for me is I used to believe that not arguing in a relationship was was good. Then after was a real. I realized heavily recently that I actually rather, if you're not fighting, then someone is being pushed over, someone is getting run over, and that is actually acknowledging their own feelings or their desires and arguments are good.

00:18:46:12 - 00:19:06:20
It can be good. It's no reason that it has to be hateful and resentful. You just have different opinions on where to go on vacation. Sorry about that. Let's debate that. Let's figure something out. So I have concluded that arguments are necessary. And if you're in a relationship, you're going to disagree because you're like you said, you're in each other's face a lot.

00:19:06:22 - 00:19:23:14
And even sometimes if you're in a bad space, it might be just their voice that annoys you in that moment. But it's not their fault. But you have to work through that, by being in a relationship. And it's one of those tough things that you don't, you don't really figure out until you're in a relationship. You can't really train for it.

00:19:23:16 - 00:19:42:15
Like you have to be in a relationship to figure out what those triggers are for you as well. Right? And they always I was, I've, I've I love that you. I hate being fired. Me because I'm so close to you. I get to hear, like, what you're going through. You ask for advice. And also on the flip side, so does your partner.

00:19:42:15 - 00:20:03:06
He ask you for advice, he calls me, he comes to me. We hang out regularly. If you have a new one, our next one next week, might have to reschedule it. I might have to lead time, but, he respects me enough to know that, we can talk about tough things about y'all, and that I'm not going to, give him a hard time.

00:20:03:06 - 00:20:26:22
That I get it, as I. It'd be foolish to believe that y'all are not getting into it. But he's a really, really respectful young man. Open to hearing me out. So it's it's been it's been, cool to be a part of that. And I love it because I get to be a part of your family and kind of on the back end, and hopefully helping also teach you lessons that you don't have to learn the hard way.

00:20:27:00 - 00:20:55:08
Yeah. And, you know, I think what's great because there's, I actually saw recently, I got back on Tik Tok, Tik Tok. I was clean for like a month for you. That's so great. Yeah, but I'm still limiting my time, so that's the good thing. But anyways, I saw a TikTok that showed how a parent after a divorce should not be, introducing their kids to their partners along the way until it's the marriage.

00:20:55:10 - 00:21:23:02
And I disagree strongly with this. It's kind of hard if you're, like in a serious relationship. Yeah, because seriously, assuming I probably have met everyone you stated, and I know majority no serious. Yes. The series yes. Or whether you want or not dated. Yeah I I for a week I didn't know but the women who were over a month you know because you don't have many that if they were over a month or series.

00:21:23:06 - 00:21:48:15
As for okay, Carrie, I don't know where this is going. I got to witness all your relationships. So I got to learn along the way with you. And so I've learned that by watching everything. And, of course, I didn't see everything go down. But you've had very healthy relationships that I was able to see, like, oh, this is the healthy way to disagree.

00:21:48:17 - 00:22:11:02
This is a healthy way to have an opinion and argue and find a middle. And so I also have learned that if I'm going to get into relationship, I need to have an open mind, because it will be can we have two in a relationship? And we learned a lesson like, I don't want the relationship I men to be less and I want us to learn lessons along the way.

00:22:11:02 - 00:22:32:04
Yeah. And so to do that, you have to be with someone who has an open mind as well as yourself, so that you're both either finding the middle or you do go towards each other's. Yeah. Yes. And, I believe we do that really well, maybe a lot of the times. Not right away. May take it may take a month for something to be like.

00:22:32:06 - 00:22:56:22
Oh, yeah, I see what you mean. I understand after watching it a few times and and, trying something the way they did it is like it makes it less. Whereas, like, okay, I, I see where you come from and now I, I agree with you or I agree with you, but there's always like a but a yes and a way to benefit each other without having to be her and having to leave.

00:22:57:00 - 00:23:15:17
And I know there's going to be a million of them and it's never going to end because we're raised by two different people. Yeah, suited for batches of people. Yes. We have a completely different life to understanding different worldviews. Yes, literally. And that's why you have so now you're trying to come together and have us at least a similar view to raise a child.

00:23:15:19 - 00:23:39:03
Yeah. Sometimes you're still going to disagree because it's just inevitable. We grew up with different besides everyone. It's happens for everyone. Every person is different because, every parent is different. So and they even say like within a family, every kid has a different like although they have the same parents, they're raised with different parents. They have a different experience.

00:23:39:04 - 00:23:57:10
Experience our parenting. Yeah. It's like it's a perspective of the same thing that may have gone down because by the second child, all they know not to do this. And yes, but I go as far as to say, even if they're both born at the same time and they're going through an event at the same time, well, we all have different perspectives.

00:23:57:10 - 00:24:16:04
Yeah. You're going to see it one way. You're going to see another way rather than see another way. You're literally you're seeing a different experience. So yeah. So that's why it gets even weird. Yeah. How am I going to strongly disagree with my partner without thinking about that. Like, oh, you don't have, you know, how am I that, you know, I am my mom?

00:24:16:04 - 00:24:35:00
You know, you don't understand like where I came from. So how am I going to disagree with you strongly enough that I'm like, yeah, this is not going to work out. I'm gonna believe that. We can agree have like a mutual agreement about something at least, for me, what I figured out, I think that works. And that where we both try to reach here.

00:24:35:00 - 00:24:53:22
What's the goal for both of us? Can we agree on a goal? And maybe we get there differently? Or maybe you're disagreeing on the goals. I want this one thing over here, but you want this other thing you can make. You can make it work. If you're at least both trying to, vacation. You're you're trying to to have a good time in the see a different place.

00:24:54:00 - 00:25:16:19
It may mean you go to one place one time, and then in a few years, you go to another place. So sometimes not in the middle, but is willing to understand that we're both trying to come to the same position of having a good time. Yeah. And that's the reason why I believe most disagreements argue X happen is because something in that moment angered or hurt that person.

00:25:17:00 - 00:25:35:16
So the first quote and like and that should be the first thing I told, something I always say is like, I'm not angry right now. Just be angry. I'm angry because my feelings are hurt. It's like you said something and it's like, okay, what did I say? So it's just nailing down what it was. Yeah, exact moment and just doing better.

00:25:35:16 - 00:25:56:13
Like not doing better, but finding a way to maybe not in that tone or notice that it was actually. Yeah. It's just sometimes it's just acknowledgment. Because also we're also we're all triggered law. Our feelings matter. And that's what most arguments come from. I didn't like very emotional. Yeah. Which was either anger or sadness. Like that's what triggers the disagreement.

00:25:56:13 - 00:26:12:23
And it's just like nailing down. When did I feel bad? Like, when did I. Because then once you're angry, everything else starts making you mad. It's off the rails. Yes. Yeah. So, like, nail down where today initially get mad is because you said that to me in a tone. You call me a weird name that you never call me.

00:26:13:00 - 00:26:31:11
It's just we all are weird in many ways and for sure. And it's like, this is the thing we don't. If you come from, I believe all of us have some kind of childhood trauma and or been through something. Yeah, we've been through things. I mean, and especially now, like, we're witnessing things. We're all little traumatized at the moment.

00:26:31:13 - 00:26:50:01
So we don't realize that some of those words like that, until you talk down and you're able to sit down, you realize, oh, that made me upset because when I was a kid who was like, what? Like how how did I did that? But when it does, it just happens. Our thought, our minds work that way and we don't even know why we're upset sometimes.

00:26:50:03 - 00:27:08:21
And sitting down and being able to have that conversation. And if both parties are truly in love, or at least have a healthy respect for each other, you can have those conversations. The problem becomes when there is no respect, and now it's like nobody wants to sit down and have a conversation because those conversations are tough. Yeah, right.

00:27:08:23 - 00:27:29:16
Anyway. Right. Let's change the subject. Yeah. Let's, I wanted to share a quick story and, something that I'm kind of proud of. No, I'm very proud of. Good friend of ours. The friend of mine, Gilbert, came by yesterday. Yeah. Tell us what issue with him was he actually almost two days ago. Regardless, whenever it was a day or two.

00:27:29:18 - 00:27:53:07
Damn. No excuse. No. Two days ago, it was, you know, it was Monday. Regardless, he came over, he said he he hung out with me. And if man Fair is really good at what she does, I like thank you. And he's like, I'm so impressed with just how artistic you are. And as a thank you, because for me, what that brings up is this idea that I really try to instill in the neuron.

00:27:53:07 - 00:28:15:22
And there's videos that I've posted in the years past where I really want to try to be artistic. Because I feel that being artistic, being creative serves. It actually is a very, necessary thing being creative and especially in the artistic form, is your problem solving throughout the entire process of making a piece. It's a little project, right?

00:28:16:00 - 00:28:39:00
And you're trying to figure out colors or, format composition. What story am I trying to say? You're figuring out things and you're being creative. This it's like for me, in my opinion, it flexes that muscle. And obviously I feel like it also pays off in your work because you have to be creative every single day and trying to figure out, solutions to problems, solutions to relationships and conversations.

00:28:39:00 - 00:28:53:06
You need to have creatively to be able to get to the bottom of things. But all that to say that I also love just the fact that yellow artists, your photographer, you do a lot of other things. Like what? What type of stuff are you getting into these days in terms of art that, you can share with the world?

00:28:53:08 - 00:29:18:20
Why recently how much in touching back into painting, really good imagery and then they're not here and those are like 3 or 4 years ago. That's just crazy. It's like credible with color and understand and and actually figuring out just shading and like with what is it oil or what we're using. She she did a piece a while back that I'm like wow.

00:29:19:01 - 00:29:36:10
Like you really are nailing the colors in the, the gradients in the skin in such a way. Like, I can never do that. I just didn't have that. I and you did. I'm like, how the hell? Yeah, it's a painting. I'm trying to get back into oil. I have, like, four canvases at home. I woke up one day.

00:29:36:10 - 00:30:04:00
I was like, I'm going to paint. And I went all in the span watching my supplies and haven't finished the first painting, which is just a logo painting. My photography I'm doing, I'm aware for, for the, for the hobby. And sort of like for work which is has the sign and I enjoy it. I've kind of started designing a lot more and then since of marketing and graphic design.

00:30:04:01 - 00:30:22:22
So that has been really fun because I didn't really touch on that a lot in my, in my previous acquisitions, because I took on a management role. Just send me messages like just send me screenshots or whatever you like. I am a designer. I'm like, damn right you are. Yeah, I've been training you since you were like, yay big.

00:30:23:00 - 00:30:48:10
Yeah. So that, I tried getting I not try, I'm going to, get into baking. I bought a whole bunch of supplies and trying to do it a few months ago, but I never really had the time to get into it. And so I'm going to get into, like, cookies. But the sugar cookies when you decorate, because I was like, how do I bring my artistic brain back?

00:30:48:10 - 00:31:03:13
Like, how do I eat without having to paint? Because for some reason I was like, trying my best not to paint. I don't know why you don't have any idea. You know, I think I feel like I was so drained when I was like, okay, what's another way to do it without? Because I felt like I wasn't be I wasn't super creative at that moment.

00:31:03:13 - 00:31:22:20
And so I was like, oh, I'll do cookies. And I like pre-designed. So it's like, I don't have to be creative. I get to just do the coloring part, which I love. I love colors, and I think is why I love photography so much because I'm messing with colors and mixing colors in many ways. Yeah, I think that's it.

00:31:22:22 - 00:31:42:20
Yeah. He said you were really good. You you coached him your position on the arts, like so it was nice to hear that he had a good experience and they thought, well, of you. And then then that that comment was really neat. That he's fascinating because he walks in here to see stuff that we have. Mostly he walks in your space and is like, oh, similar.

00:31:42:20 - 00:32:05:11
And also obviously your, partner is a musician. So now you have music stuff everywhere, guitars and whatnot. So that's, that's pretty neat. We just shared a podcast recently where I recorded your sister, and we talked about her college experience and, and I'm all in on that. I've supported her, and she's going to go big. She's she's trying to really do some great things.

00:32:05:11 - 00:32:28:21
She's very much an academic. While this one right here isn't that didn't want to go to college, didn't want to pursue the next level. And I also supported her and was super cool about that. And it's something that I'm a proponent is, is that everyone has their path. And, for I know the other other kid, whatever she's going to pursue is probably going to need an academic band, and it's going to need those degrees.

00:32:28:23 - 00:32:50:04
You ended up getting into the marketing space and how do you feel that you've done, despite not having a degree, feel like I've done? Amazing. Let's stop hating yourself on the back. Just kidding. I actually, I shouldn't do that. Yeah, if I would have said all right. Yeah, I guess so. Either way, I would just make sure you stop being.

00:32:50:06 - 00:33:12:06
No. Amazing. I think I'm doing amazing. I think I hold a lot of knowledge, but I also am a believer of always gaining and always continuing your education. And that's another thing I learning. Yes, I it's not that I don't believe in education. It's like I don't believe the college, the education through college was my path. Yeah.

00:33:12:08 - 00:33:44:10
So I'm still educating myself. I'm still obsessed with watching videos and always learning about the graphic design and how I, I there's I that is taking over the world those kind of things. And so educating myself and staying up, staying with the trend so that I can always remain relevant in the marketing industry. You understand what you and you, you're willing like your capacity and just watching you because I actually was employing her for a little bit.

00:33:44:12 - 00:34:03:22
To do some, some side gigs and started to pay her to do that. But she's more than willing to go find solutions. Google find YouTube videos or AI training courses for you that you devoured. So you're able to still learn. And you have this. And I feel that it's also part of the generation. It is. Yeah.

00:34:04:04 - 00:34:24:05
As well. Like I hear we talk about it, but our generation is because like, we'll get our college education and then YouTube and Google. Yeah. And within a week and it's just you figure out concepts ideas design elements is how to design properly. How like there's so much free education online I think even harder. Or some Yale maybe even put their entire.

00:34:24:07 - 00:34:41:20
Yeah, they have blogs and things. Yeah. Like they have their curriculum. I don't know if it was recently like if you want to get a Harvard education on like MBA, they just put it online, like, wow, you're not going to get a degree, but you're going to get the education. So it's it's balancing that obviously because some jobs do want degrees and that's fine.

00:34:41:22 - 00:35:04:15
And if you've been able to navigate that, to be able to still excel in them, I'm really proud of you for that. And then you. Yeah. And it makes me happy because I obviously have one that pursued the college. Right. And the other one, they did not. And they're both going to be becoming successful in their own avenue now, especially with the digital age.

00:35:04:17 - 00:35:22:04
And by the way, I didn't go to college, so I knew that it was possible. So I did like my mind was like, well, I can't do anything. Yeah. No. And hypocrite. Yeah, I know how you can do it, but I didn't either. And when you came to me says, hey, I don't want to go to college, I figured out I don't know what I'm going to do and necessarily.

00:35:22:04 - 00:35:44:09
But, not college. Okay, cool. I get it. I did the exact same thing and stumble around for a while. I had a hunch. And you would eventually find a path much faster for the same reasons I do have the network. We have a good network of the people in our in our lives, friends that can support us and help us along the way.

00:35:44:11 - 00:36:07:09
So that's something that I'm incredibly proud of. But of watching you build a life, make a living, kill the family. Like, that's crazy. Like you're building a family and that is is overwhelming to watch. To be honest, I know I forget how old I answered, and I, I'm like, slow down. I slow that you don't get.

00:36:07:11 - 00:36:26:06
You don't really get your you're easily where I was when I was maybe 35. So I think you do I could. So anything else you'd like to add to that? When I was a junior that's when I decided because it's the big year for people, for high school students. When you talk about college, I always knew it was going to be marketing.

00:36:26:08 - 00:36:44:13
Because I got I was super energized to work for you. I know sometimes I didn't show because I literally or my dad, but I knew marketing was I was like, I already know a lot about what you talk about because you just you walk me through and you're like, I can see this. And and you made me take training and things like that.

00:36:44:13 - 00:37:02:16
And I was like, that energizes me. Like, I actually didn't feel like I how I felt in school. Whenever I would have to do a writing essay like that stress me out. So I was like, yeah, like I knew that to be marketing of some swears I didn't know I was going to get in like I was through an internship, like having to beg for an internship.

00:37:02:16 - 00:37:22:23
Was it working directly through you? Was me starting something from the bat like, glad I didn't happen that way, but like, I was like, there's going to be a way. And I developed a mindset that I kept and I always remain hungry and ready to prove myself. Or learn like someone brought something up. I was like, liminal reserves.

00:37:22:23 - 00:37:48:20
I when I get home. So I'm going to be educated tomorrow. That's the cow. The person I became. And I also think the biggest reason marketing for me is just I'm already a people person, and marketing is all about making people feel heard, feel respected, feel listened to, feel important. And so I always, I feel like I thrive in this because that's who I am.

00:37:48:20 - 00:38:15:14
I love making people feel loved, feel listened to, hearing their problems, marketing good. A good chunk of marketing is shot. Figure out where problems are happy. And so I'm just step that very social, person that loves speaking and interacting with people. And I believe that that's why I had that calling. Because cedar bracelets will talk where we have very different jobs.

00:38:15:16 - 00:38:42:15
He's a blue collar electrician and I'm at an office job, and there's like more of a social type of. But it's oh, my job is always talked about as an office job where you sit at your desk and I'm like, it's normalized all about it. And that's why. And not like any other job that you would explain to me that talks about like says, oh, it's an office job, I'll probably freak out, but I don't see my job as an office jokes.

00:38:42:15 - 00:39:03:02
I'm out networking so often I'm just talking to people. I'm giving people advice and they're listening because you have some solid advice. And so I actually don't see it that way because like I want to say right now, 30% of my job is sitting at a desk in the the other 70% I'm out networking or taking my laptop wherever I want.

00:39:03:04 - 00:39:31:18
And it's just it's become it. Yeah. It's awesome. You came to my networking events, the one that helped me take off was networking. Shout out to you and Chuck and the entire group. Jesse Simmons, I hear you. I see you too. They'll scream at me. But, you started networking. Coming up, hanging out and watching you just mingle with people was pretty neat to watch.

00:39:31:20 - 00:39:56:03
The whole thing was neat to witness. Rather was redundant there when you did that and when I saw you now because you I know you can, but seeing you as an adult in that space, managing and holding conversations that I'm just sitting there watching, oh yeah, I have a grown kid and doing well, making connections, building relationships like shit.

00:39:56:05 - 00:40:13:05
And so proud of her. Because a lot of people struggle with that. Right? Even to this day, I still struggle going to to networking and doing my 32nd commercial. I still do it. Obviously, when I go, I go and I show up. You were like, from the jump, you did it. You didn't have your 32nd commercial.

00:40:13:05 - 00:40:34:03
I didn't hire your personality still shine and people still wanted to get to know you, and you've continued to build on that sort of incredibly cool thing to watch as a dad because I don't know about. Or you actually, you will feel this later. As a dad whose kids are growing up and they're trying to figure out their thing, I'm really nervous for you.

00:40:34:05 - 00:40:59:17
The world is crazy, is falling apart. How are my kids going to survive? So to see you actually doing it is like, she's going to figure it out. She'll have her troubles, she'll figure it out. She clearly has the capacity to speak to a whole whole crowd, to hold attention, and to help people. At the end of the day, the whole point of it all is that you're helping people, and then they pay you in compensation for that.

00:40:59:18 - 00:41:16:20
So you have the capacity to help you like, more than a willingness to, to do it and show up, because for me, it is a good chunk of my job is people get to know me and me to feel uncomfortable getting to know me. And you only do that primarily through in-person kind of meetings. That's how I grew the business.

00:41:16:20 - 00:41:35:08
So you were doing great. That's when I knew you were going to be all right. But before that, I was sure. Okay, I've kind of always had a hunch, but you still get nervous? Like you still like, oh, my God, you had to go to junior high. You can be a, junior junior high school. Oh, my gosh, she's in high school now.

00:41:35:10 - 00:42:06:22
Oh, no. She graduated. Oh, no. What's she like? Oh, no. She's going to have a baby. What the hell? All right. Oh, no. I get every step. I'm, like, worried, but at the same time have a incredible amount of confidence that you got this. Yeah. So, courtesy of Kit. That. That helps a lot. Having a parent or parents that are going to question, like they just like ADHD being okay with the distancing but also have my hands like hands laying flat.

00:42:06:22 - 00:42:33:01
Is it arm's length? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And just in case anything happens. But trust me enough to know that I'm going into my adulthood prepared and I'm gonna figure it out. Right. I'm not too prepared, obviously, but trying to figure it out. Yeah. You you are, incredibly resourceful that I was one of the things I, I try to teach you, like, at an early age is it's an interesting thing to teach resourcefulness.

00:42:33:01 - 00:42:52:17
I try to teach that. And watching you grow up and, like. Yeah, she's resourceful. She's figuring out she's problem solving. Same thing with, I know, like, watching your both, navigate your worlds and figure out problems. And for the most part, y'all don't call on me. Y'all don't necessarily ask me for anything. You're like, hey, I have this problem, and I didn't know what to do.

00:42:52:17 - 00:43:09:18
But then I thought about this or about that, put it together, and I built a rocket. What the hell? You build a rocket? So y'all are really, really resourceful. So I've always had that confidence. But the that fear still in me. And I know for me is very important that I give you distance, that you know, that I trust you enough.

00:43:09:18 - 00:43:28:14
I'm not going to be hovering. I never wanted to be that dad, that I'm hovering and that because at the end of the day, if I'm hovering, then I'm figuring out all your problems and solving all your problems are. That's. Yeah. There's a benefit. You. You brought up Etienne. I did like going even. Yes. And that's because I'm a business owner.

00:43:28:16 - 00:43:53:22
Oh, really? Oh, yeah. So, by the way, did we not cover that? We just jump right into it. Yeah. We're just. Yeah. Like she's running her own business, guys like she is, it's she's doing her own thing and following my path, which is crazy. Yeah. And also going to Edney Stella's and networking and connecting and doing that approach to growing the business and getting your name out there.

00:43:54:03 - 00:44:29:06
Yeah. What would you like to say about that. It's been. Super energizing. I know I've used Energizer three times already talking about marketing. What I has read really has, because I've always believed strongly in relationships. And I know that's what I'm building right now. I'm not even building clientele. I'm building relationships. And that's just the biggest thing, because I have these group of people who genuinely care for me and I care for them, and we care for each other succeeding.

00:44:29:08 - 00:44:54:20
And I just know that these are the people I'm going to bring with me when I become successful, or as successful as I want to be. My goals when I reach my goals. And so it's been it's very awesome to, like, making a name for myself. Independent of me. Yes. Yeah. Because it kind of was when I first started, and I had to be funny about it.

00:44:54:21 - 00:45:15:01
Like, I'm not his daughter. I don't know. What are you talking about? For me. Who? That for your brain. Okay. And that's been fun. And I think that's helped me in many ways. They know I want to create my my own name. Yeah. But in many ways, I'm very happy for the name. Obviously, I'm very happy to have a name that comes from you.

00:45:15:03 - 00:45:46:16
And to have you as the Crown, a it has been awesome. Yeah. And you've, you've had an incredible amount of support from the community, from people that, they've known you since you were a little girl. Some of the members of the South networking community should see you, were incredibly supportive and, wanting to, push you along and encourage you and connect you with people that for me, the coolest thing is the people that are willing to to step in and mentor you.

00:45:46:18 - 00:46:07:04
Stacy, I see you, Jeff Lee said, I, I love this role. I love the idea of mentoring. And she's that as a human. But these individuals are willing to connect you and help you and coach you up and, and give you words of encouragement that I maybe have said, but it's coming from a different person. Or they're saying things that are unique as well.

00:46:07:06 - 00:46:25:01
But knowing that you have these other humans that are supporting you and pushing you along, that's a fantastic thing. Like it's it's for me is one of the most encouraging things because this is a lonely job. The most part you're by yourself. I mean, you go out networking, you hang out with people like, oh, Chuck, Jessie, Stacy, whoever.

00:46:25:01 - 00:46:43:00
Like, they're like, they're like, happy to see you. And they're encouraging you, asking you about the business and sending business your way. You see, that's the beautiful thing because they know, like, and trust you. They're like, oh, I know you. I've known you since you were a kid. Or I watched you now help other people. You just joined the chamber like I was at,

00:46:43:01 - 00:47:08:00
I actually haven't had the, like, crazy start just yet. Okay. Because I joined and I was going to ETN a lot. And I also started a big project, so, I haven't gone to I had the orientation I think is in September that I probably go to for ribbon cutting. So I haven't really been, I'm probably not saying it for certain.

00:47:08:02 - 00:47:32:06
I'm going to be part of the marketing committee. It's already like in the works. And the talks of me being part into marketing committee for the chamber. For the chamber. And so that's awesome. That's great. I'm super excited. We are hoping to get be able to get more involved right now. The face that I was networking, networking, networking, the now I'm like, okay, let me organize my schedule.

00:47:32:11 - 00:47:59:22
I check you networking and then just taking every meeting. I know everyone hands. That's really awesome. And so yeah, so now I'm like organized to be productive. Not just be meeting. Yeah. This is a balance. You got to go out, meet people and then come home and do the work. Yeah. That's you get too carried away and it happens when you first start networking, like, okay, go ahead and then hang out when everyone's yay great and know crap, where do I get word it or when am I going to close business?

00:48:00:00 - 00:48:14:20
That for me was probably one of the toughest things at first. Like, crap. I got a lot of work I'm doing, and I had no money in the bank because I was also not charging enough at the time. But eventually you figure out that balance. And for me, it's I still go from time to time. I just love hanging out with the building.

00:48:15:00 - 00:48:34:10
Yeah, I love bumping into people, rubbing elbows with the people that are trying to do good work in the community. And serving the community, meeting the day, every business essentially solving a problem and solving a pain point for the consumer. And knowing that it's like, oh, we're business as good businesses is the idea of business is good because they're truly trying to help people.

00:48:34:12 - 00:48:52:11
And these people, I get to meet them. Know what I love? Since I've been doing this a lot, I'm sorry I was playing. I was gonna point to three way outside. Is that, what I love is that as I drove around town, was like, oh, I know that business owner or I see a truck drive by, like, fantastic.

00:48:52:11 - 00:49:13:19
We need some, like, lime green. Fantastic. Have logo like, oh my. Yeah, there's the friends, business. Yeah. So it's super cool to know the individuals behind these, these companies, these, communities. Yeah. Like, I know the people and why they do it, why they did it, why they're doing it, the why they continue to push along and despite the struggles.

00:49:13:19 - 00:49:36:04
So that, for me, is incredibly cool. Like, I know people on the other pay off as well is that I know someone for everything. Just about. So if they have if someone needs, a chiropractor, I know. Would you recommend somebody who's a mechanic and know who to recommend? But you name it, the baker. Photographer or you name it because I've been in the community long enough.

00:49:36:04 - 00:49:55:14
It's neat to know people. So I'll give people asthma, like, hey, do you know someone that does this? Yes or no? But I can face them. Yeah. So those are that's pretty cool to to know those individuals behind the scenes and in the business community. And it's awesome. It's pretty cool. Yeah. And now you're one of them. Yes.

00:49:55:14 - 00:50:18:05
Dude. All right, ladies and gentlemen that's it for today. Hopefully you learned a thing or two about her, and I, she has my kid. I'm very proud of her. And, look forward to having these conversations more often. And you have any final thoughts before we check off? Check out? No, no. All right then. So until next time.

00:50:18:05 - 00:50:33:01
My name is Teevee and this is fast. And this is the Teevee show podcast where we talk about all things family, personal development, marketing because it's all related to me. And so until then. Bye.