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April 13, 2023

From Layoffs to Success: A Conversation with Jon Loomer (The OG of Facebook Ads)

I'm excited to introduce my guest in the newest episode of The Teevee Show Podcast, the OG of Facebook Advertising himself, Jon Loomer! 

You’ve probably seen his face on Facebook if you’re in the ad space. He’s very good at his job. 

Jon and I had a blast discussing his journey in the advertising space. 

We talked about how he simplified his business, the importance of trust in marketing, and even how he uses his marketing skills to support his passion for baseball (which he's never really shared publicly before!). 

We also touched on the value of lifelong learning, making sacrifices, and being present for loved ones - especially when it comes to parenting our kids.

And of course, we couldn't end the conversation without talking about Jon's amazing work as a Facebook advertiser and marketer. 

We now find ourselves adjusting to the trends while trying to maintain our sanity. 

It was such a cool conversation speaking to one of my biggest teachers in Facebook marketing. 

Check out the full podcast on your favorite podcasting platform or hit up teevee.fm for all the links. 


Jon Loomer's Background [00:00:48] Jon Loomer talks about his background, from being an English and Philosophy major to working for the National Basketball Association and partnering with Facebook in 2007.

Starting a Business [00:03:05] Jon Loomer talks about how he started his business accidentally by writing about Facebook marketing and advanced Facebook ads.

Similarities in Business Journey [00:04:35] The host and Jon Loomer discuss their similar journeys in starting their own businesses and quitting their day jobs to be with their children.

Building a Business for Freedom [00:07:02] Jon Loomer talks about how his focus in building his business was to have the freedom to spend time with his children and coach their baseball teams.

Simplifying Business [00:08:50] Jon talks about how he simplified his business and the process he follows.

Impact of COVID-19 [00:09:42] Jon discusses how COVID-19 affected his business and how he had to change his plans.

Transitioning from Coaching [00:12:09] Jon talks about how he had to wrap up his coaching career and make big changes in his business.

Commitment to Video [00:13:08] Jon talks about his commitment to creating videos and the importance of being consistent.

Challenges of Video Creation [00:15:27] Jon discusses the challenges he faces while creating videos and how he is improving with each one.

Editing Videos [00:16:50] Jon and the host discuss the process of editing videos and the challenges it presents.

Challenges of creating videos [00:17:51] Jon talks about the biggest challenge he is facing in creating videos and his motivation to grow his business.

Realizing being laid off was a blessing [00:18:50] Jon talks about when he realized being laid off was a great thing and how he started making money through consulting, ad sense, and affiliate marketing.

Creating and selling his first product [00:21:26] Jon talks about how he created and sold his first product, a Facebook page review, and how it led him to launch his first course on Power Editor in 2013.

Becoming the go-to Facebook guy [00:24:34] The host talks about how Jon became the go-to Facebook guy and his approach to slow and steady growth in his business.

Marketing in Life [00:26:52] Discussion on how marketing is present in every aspect of life and how it has helped the host in his projects.

Using Marketing Skills for Baseball [00:27:40] Jon Loomer's experience in using his marketing skills to build a baseball team and how it became successful.

Passion vs Necessity in Marketing [00:28:40] The advantage of marketing something that is a passion and how it is easier to drive traffic to it compared to marketing something that is a necessity for business.

Building a Dance Community [00:33:10] The host's experience in building a dance community through marketing and how it taught him various skills such as photography, DJing, and video editing.

Marketing Passion [00:34:50] The speakers discuss their passion for marketing and the pride they feel in creating successful communities.

Long-term Business Planning [00:35:48] The speakers discuss the importance of thinking about long-term business planning and considering other areas of interest.

Baseball Podcast [00:36:41] The speaker talks about starting a baseball podcast and how it helped him experiment with marketing strategies.

Coaching Baseball [00:38:18] The speaker discusses his experience coaching baseball and how he prioritized creating a positive and fun environment for his players.

Love of Baseball [00:39:05] The speaker talks about his love of baseball and how it was passed down through his family, as well as his childhood memories of collecting baseball cards.

Baseball Card Collecting [00:43:03] Discussion of the speaker's experience with collecting baseball cards and the value of certain cards.

Skills Acquired Over Time [00:45:11] The concept of a "skill stack" and the importance of seemingly random experiences in shaping one's abilities. The speakers discuss their own skills and how they were developed.

Ethics in Business [00:50:05] The importance of core values and ethical boundaries in business, and the difficulty of saying no to opportunities that conflict with those values. The speakers share their experiences with making ethical decisions.

Sacrifices and Determination [00:52:09] The speakers discuss the sacrifices and determination required to succeed in business, including personal sacrifices and the importance of spending time with family.

Quality Time with Family [00:53:28] The speakers reflect on the value of spending quality time with family, particularly during lockdown, and the importance of making time for loved ones.

Parenting and Emotional Impact [00:55:13] The speakers discuss the emotional impact of parenting, including the pride and joy of seeing children succeed, as well as the challenges of letting go as they grow older.

Daughters vs. Sons [00:58:10] The speakers reflect on the differences between parenting daughters and sons, including the unique challenges and joys of raising girls.

Fatherhood and Parenting [00:59:12] The speakers discuss the approach to parenting and fatherhood, including providing a balance of masculine and feminine activities for their daughters.

Closing Remarks and Contact Information [01:00:22] The host thanks the guest for his time and asks where people can find him. The guest shares his contact information and mentions his podcast.


Teevee  (00:00:00) - Hello everyone and welcome to the Teevee Show Podcast. Today we're talking to, I wouldn't say an old friend, but a new friend that I've known, uh, actually for a very long time. And I feel like I've known him very well, <laugh>, at least as it relates to his business. Jon Loomer, he is a Facebook advertiser and marketer, and if you're in the advertising space, then you know him. I've been doing marketing since 2009, and I have a pretty decent sized circle of friends. Most of them are marketers, so they all will know you and I can't wait for them to actually see this show <laugh>. Um, so Jon, real quick, give us a little bio for those that don't know who you are as to what you do. It, it doesn't have to be serious, it can be, uh, outlandish. It can be anything. Just give us a, a quick line or two about yourself.

Jon  (00:00:48) - You know, it's funny, like my bio gets longer and longer every year with, which makes sense as we get older. <laugh> <laugh>, but just my business, uh, it's, it's gotten more and more, uh, complicated. But, so from a business perspective, first of all, um, I'm a bit of an accidental marketer. I was not, I never saw myself as a marketer. I went to school expecting to be a journalist, I think like a sports journalist or something. Um, I was an English major at first. Ended up being a philosophy major. Wow. And, uh, didn't know what I was gonna do with that. <laugh> didn't know what I was gonna do with that. But, um, I was, I became very lucky, um, over the years in that, I mean, first of all, great family, um, wife and kids, three boys. Um, wow. I, I had a job that I hated, which I think everybody should experience. I, I had a few of those in the early days. I think it gives you really good perspective. It does. On, on, on what, what you will enjoy and what you want to do. Um, I eventually doing, ended up doing something amazing. It helped me appreciate it. So I worked for the National Basketball Association overseeing fantasy games.

Teevee  (00:02:07) - Oh

Jon  (00:02:08) - Wow. It was the most insane opportunity ever. And it felt like a dream, honestly, talking about some of the stuff that I did. But the important part in relation, one of the important parts relationship to start a business was, um, we partnered with Facebook back in 2007, so that was when it just opened up to all the non students. So that was 50 million people on the platform. And that's when I really got to know the platform. And I fell love in love with it, like a lot of people did for like, reconnecting with old friends and whatnot. Uh, but I became comfortable with it from a business perspective as well. Um, left the nba, got laid off twice and knew I did not want to move my family again. Uh, didn't wanna keep bouncing around a little. Perspective. Two is that we, our oldest son is a cancer survivor.

Jon  (00:03:05) - Uh, so that was one of those where, you know, what's important, you know, um, kind of having that understanding of what's important and, you know, I didn't want a job that was gonna send me traveling around all over the place. Um, I didn't wanna move us again. That was really important. And, um, so the re the result of just, you know, not wanting to settle was all I did was start a, start a website cuz I didn't know how to start a business. I didn't know had one iot of idea how to do that. And I just started writing and eventually I, I mean, I gained traction and I started writing about Facebook marketing and then advanced Facebook ADSD stuff. And I, I was getting lots of traffic and I just, I eventually turned that into something. Um, I, within a year, I'd say, cuz I, again, it wasn't a quick, oh, I'm starting a business that that's not at all what was happening. But I had to replace income because we were burning through savings and whatnot. But it's a long story <laugh>. So that's how it started. Yes. That Facebook advertising was really my focus. That's what, um, really helped fuel a business for me and what I've been doing ever since. Um, now we're, you know, so it's 2011, end of 2011, when that started, it wasn't really a business of 2011 that I always used that date of when I got laid off as, when it, when it all started.

Teevee  (00:04:35) - From that moment on is when you, you started to make some moves.

Jon  (00:04:39) - Correct.

Teevee  (00:04:40) - Fantastic. Um, I think I discovered you in 2015 or 16. Um, uh, you found me, I'm sure it was your advertising <laugh>. Yeah. You, you stalked me everywhere. Sure. Uh, and I loved it because you, you did deliver valuable information. You were always really good and you're writing background actually explains why you leaned into your writing cuz it was yours as opposed to everyone else was almost strictly written format with screenshots. Um, which were fantastic. I really enjoyed them. Um, and you've always been bookmarked on all my, uh, on Facebook specifically as a favorite to make sure that your stuff comes up whenever you post. Cuz I count on you, you know, your stuff. I appreciate

Jon  (00:05:23) - That.

Teevee  (00:05:24) - Absolutely. So the, the way this podcast came up was because you sent an email out mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, basically saying, Hey, if you have a podcast, I'm game. Uh, I read that and I'm like, I do have a podcast. <laugh>, maybe <laugh>. So this podcast is, uh, I talk about a lot of things mainly around parenting business, um, just life in general, personal development, um, and business as it relates to my own journey. Cuz I too ended up creating a business and kind of accidentally stumbled my way, way through and, and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, now I'm in a place of, of, uh, relative success. Um, I have two daughters, uh, both of which are, well, one is 20 and one is 18, very close. And I think that's the other connection. Close. Yeah. Yes, exactly. You said you had a unique story and it is unique.

Teevee  (00:06:15) - Um, but it is, it resembles mine as well. Mine, um, I quit my day job. Um, I actually didn't get fired, but I quit because I needed to be home with my daughters. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, I, it was, I had a, a grocery business. I worked in the grocery business as a manager. Uh, and I had been doing that for many, many years. It was pretty reliable, but it was all over the place in terms of schedules. So being home with my daughters after I got divorced became really complicated. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I ended up quitting to try to figure out the online marketing space. Hmm. Uh, yeah. It, it's, it's fascinating. Um, and here we are now with older kids. So I guess one of the first questions I really wanted to ask you was, what's your plan now that your kids are older and about to move on <laugh>?

Jon  (00:07:02) - Yeah. Look, it's really weird because, um, those early days of the business, the entire focus of it for me was building something that would allow me the freedom. Because, so I didn't, I wasn't one of those marketers personalities that wanted to travel the country and the world, public speaking and consulting and all this kind of stuff, <laugh>. I didn't want any of that. I wanted to stay home. Um, because my kids at the time, uh, were four, eight, and 11. Hmm. And I, I wanted to coach their baseball teams. I wanted to spend as much time with them as I could. Um, we shared a love for baseball, not knowing that how intense that baseball coaching would get eventually as they got older. It was insanity

Teevee  (00:07:55) - I

Jon  (00:07:55) - Bet. But, um, so yeah, that was, that was the focus. But as people who don't really know how to start a business <laugh>, um, I didn't really think ahead. I wasn't like, okay, how can I make this thing survive 10 years, 20 years? What am I gonna be gonna be doing in 10 years? Right. Um, so, so, so weird thing happened. You know, the first of all, the business exploded beyond any dreams I could have imagined. And I still feel extremely lucky that that happened.

Teevee  (00:08:30) - Um, right place, right time, man, you, you definitely found a sweet spot.

Jon  (00:08:33) - It was the right place, right time. And that I think my skills and not being a, like, not truly being a marketer helped, it was an advantage, like having a, a unique voice compared to a lot of the, the voices out there. Yes. Um,

Teevee  (00:08:49) - I would agree with that

Jon  (00:08:50) - <laugh> and, and the fact that you didn't need to be on video and I didn't, I wasn't comfortable being on video at that time, and I could just write and which I, I could, I'll just do a whole bunch. And Google loved me, which Yes. Really helped. It's really helped. So the thought, like, I, so I kept simplifying my business too. Okay. Like, okay. And, and honestly end up with a process like, this is how I do things. It's the, okay, we got a membership, we're gonna do courses every few months. Um, you know, this is a software we're using. Um, but I, but that, that stuff all started getting outdated. Uh, covid happened. <laugh>, yeah. That changed everything. I really, and I know that on one hand I'm not alone in this feeling, but it's, it's also like, there are very opposing sides to this.

Jon  (00:09:42) - And like how we dealt with that, that covid time, like some business people really took advantage of it. Cause like, oh, everybody's buying online and this and that. I still trace kind of my struggles to this, to a time when I sent an email to my entire list. This was in March of 2020, when stuff was just starting to go down, just kind of asking people how they're doing, because I heard there's this thing going on. I remember that. Yeah. And the response I received was kind of unexpected. Um, a lots of emails from people primarily Spain, Italy, um, telling me how horrible it was and to take it seriously. Uh, people are losing their jobs, you know, all the, you know, so people are suffering and now I'm supposed to sell to them <laugh>. So that's the way I looked at it. A lot of other people looked at it as like an opportunity.

Jon  (00:10:41) - People need to go online, so teach them how to go online and, and you know, things like that. Um, and I did, you know, like basically first of all, I scrapped everything I was going to do that year cuz it didn't make any sense anymore. I created a, a cheap, uh, course about going online, but man, I, I completely lost my inspiration and kind of my way that year. Um, things were probably already on a slow trajectory down because of, you know, the things I was doing wasn't really evolving and that just accelerated it. Um, and then when things started pick, uh, the world started picking up again and baseball restarted. Honestly, that was like, that was like, my entire life was coaching and the business was like my part-time job, it felt like. So then we got to this point, I mean, last year my business was on this, it was getting to be in a bad place and I had to make some moves. And, um, wrapping up the final coaching year, because my oldest son was already in college, my middle son was about to go to college. My youngest son was 14 and I was coaching him. So he was about to go to high school.

Teevee  (00:12:06) - Wow.

Jon  (00:12:07) - So my world was about to change

Teevee  (00:12:09) - Dramatically.

Jon  (00:12:10) - The I was not gonna coach anymore, which honestly took up a ton of my time. And not only time, but just mental space and emotion. And it was stressful. Um, but I, I wasn't gonna see my kids a lot. Uh, you know, even my high school son, you know, you know how it is. It's like,

Teevee  (00:12:26) - Yep, I do. It's not quite the same right now. <laugh>.

Jon  (00:12:29) - Exactly. So I, but in a way it all happened at the right time cuz it's like, okay, now I have the space and the time to figure this out. And so, like, it's really hard to make big changes when you don't have the mental space to do it. <laugh>. And so that's kind of where I was. I was like, okay, I gotta figure this out. Um, what am I not doing? And kind of go down that checklist. So I'm not doing video. It's painful trying to do it, but let's try to do it. Uh, podcasting. You're

Teevee  (00:13:08) - Doing great.

Jon  (00:13:09) - <laugh>. Hey, it took some, took some work. Uh, I've, I've, I've created prob, I don't know, 200 ish, probably 300 videos over the last few months. No

Teevee  (00:13:18) - Wonder. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've, I have, uh, I've actually shown your videos to my girlfriend, uh, as a way to motivate her and myself to, to do this daily. Cuz if you could do it, and I know you're adamantly have been anti videod, anti reels, anti TikTok, <laugh>. Oh yeah. Um, and you're doing it excelling, uh, getting success. And then I need to push myself. Uh, cause I know I need to do it. But to see you do it is an inspirational for that reason. Cause I know your story

Jon  (00:13:46) - And it has to be a commitment. Like, um, especially when it's something you're uncomfortable doing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it can't be a matter of, I'm gonna start doing video now. And then you'll do 'em when you want to do 'em. And then when you feel inspired and Right. You won't see, uh, you won't get big like metrics. You won't see big metrics on 'em. You won't, you'll feel like you're wasting your time. Right. And you'll stop doing it. But if you're a hundred percent committed to the process, I'm like, there's a end goal. There's a reason I'm doing this and I'm gonna make sure I publish at least one video every day. It's not that the metrics don't matter, it still hurts when something doesn't do well.

Teevee  (00:14:33) - But yeah. I try not to look

Jon  (00:14:36) - Right. Don't look, I try not to look. But it's also like, it's all a process. Like it absolutely. It's, it's less important that you, that this video is, goes viral and makes some big impact. It's more important that you're getting out there and getting, being seen by your potential audience. You're getting better, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that you're learning it. So why isn't it that I haven't been good at this? It's cuz I haven't been doing it. Like, so every video you create is a lesson. Um mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what did I do wrong? What could I have done better? Watching what other people do. Like, I still feel like when I watch my own videos, like I'm still not, like, I'm not comfortable. Like I wish I were as comfortable as like, when I'm talking to you right now mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but part of it is, is because of that.

Jon  (00:15:27) - Like, I know when I turn on that camera, I've gotta be succinct. I've gotta get to the point. I mean, I'm gonna edit the hell outta it, but like, I'm going to, I'm gonna gotta figure it out. But, um, and it's, it's hard for me to be casual cuz I, I am kind of slow and deliberate when I talk, but I know I also have to have, like, I, I'm, it's a minute long and that's it. Right. No matter what. Bang. Yep. Um, that's the max I'm gonna do. So it's been a challenge, but it's been exciting though.

Teevee  (00:15:57) - They look good, uh, as a viewer, I always look forward to them. Cause I feel like I'm gonna learn something and become aware of something. Um, they're engaging, they're bang, bang, bang, bang as they need to be because of their, their length. Yeah. Uh, and I, I enjoy them. So I think you're doing fantastic and I do feel like you're improving with each one, but I definitely understand the, the resistance and then obviously the, so how you have seeing yourself makes it difficult. I've been kind of cheating because I'll do reels from these, from these videos.

Jon  (00:16:28) - That's not cheating at all. It's smart <laugh>

Teevee  (00:16:31) - I've been doing, trying to get six to seven from every podcast to help promote the podcast and then, uh, put it out and see what happens. Some of them do well, some of them don't. But it, it becomes really, it's become fun to watch that. It's just the continuous process. But I wanna do more of what you're doing. Especially for my marketing business. I haven't done much for there.

Jon  (00:16:50) - Do you, do you have someone else edit your videos?

Teevee  (00:16:54) - Uh, yes, but, well, right now, most of them I'm editing myself. Those particular ones, like the podcast ones like these, I do have someone else

Jon  (00:17:02) - That

Teevee  (00:17:03) - See, that's, I want to try to get to a point where I give them all to him.

Jon  (00:17:07) - That's where I need to get eventually because, um, that's where all of this becomes overwhelming to me. So yeah, I'll record a podcast. I'll throw like my phone up in the corner and record, um, while it goes on. I'm like, okay, I'm gonna use that to great clips for my podcast. I did it for one of 'em. It's like, oh, it's such just so much work. Like it's one thing to edit a five minute video down to a minute. It's another when you've got, a lot of times my podcast will end up being 45 minutes or an hour and I'm like, I've gotta find some clips from that and I gotta edit that. It's just, and the fact that like now these podcasts, you kind of expect they all have to go on video <laugh>. Yeah. It was so much easier when it was just audio. Just throw it out, you know,

Teevee  (00:17:51) - Slap it out there,

Jon  (00:17:51) - Throw it into a template pretty much, and you're ready to go. But, um, yeah, that's the biggest challenge for me right now. And, and part of it's like, I want to do it myself first before I pass it off onto somebody.

Teevee  (00:18:03) - Yeah. Just the same work with me. Yeah.

Jon  (00:18:05) - Just to get a sense of what it, how it works and what I want and what I should expect. Um, but truthfully, look, I don't really want to pay anybody right now to do more work. Cuz that's where I'm at. <laugh>. Yeah. So I

Teevee  (00:18:20) - Totally understand.

Jon  (00:18:21) - So we'll, we'll get there. That's, that's the next phase. That's, that's one of my motivators is like, I, I need these videos to do so well that we grow and I can start paying people to do that stuff.

Teevee  (00:18:31) - Justify it. Yeah.

Jon  (00:18:33) - Yeah.

Teevee  (00:18:33) - Have a question for you. Let's take a trip back in time. When did you realize that being laid off was going to be a great thing? A blessing? I suppose. When, when in that path did you say, oh wait, this might actually be beneficial. What was there a time?

Jon  (00:18:50) - Oh, I mean, eventually there definitely was. I'm just trying <laugh> I would think I, I would say that probably, I think it would be the, the, the month when I made as much money as I was making when I had a job.

Teevee  (00:19:05) - Oh, that sounds about right. <laugh>, right? That's the magic number. <laugh>, right.

Jon  (00:19:09) - Um, so in the early months, basically what I would do is, so I would, I was doing a little bit of consulting, like managing for ads for people. Just some general consulting. Uh, the website was doing so well that I was, I was making some decent money even with like, uh, ad sense and Oh wow, that's really good. People were buying, um, space on my site. And I, like, I've never been big into, um, well why can't I think of <laugh>? Uh, why can't I think of what it's called? Where you sell stuff for other people?

Teevee  (00:19:48) - Arbitrage. Affiliate.

Jon  (00:19:49) - Affiliate. That's how far outta my mind affiliate marketing is. I've never been big into affiliate marketing, but at back then it was like, I need to make money. So what I did basically was I had all these things for running my business. I was like, like I used this thing, like, oh, they have an affiliate agreement that I could sign up for. And so, like, whenever I mention it and I, my traffic was so good that I did reasonably well with that. So I wasn't even like selling it. It just was natural, which was helpful.

Teevee  (00:20:22) - You're using it, you're mentioning it.

Jon  (00:20:24) - Yeah. So it was, it was, you know, it was during those times when I was making about the same amount as I made, uh, with a job that was like, okay, I did. Now that took some time. I mean, it was,

Teevee  (00:20:36) - How long

Jon  (00:20:36) - Was that? 10 months or a year? Um, and then when it really took off, like, but even then it's like I didn't really have a business yet. Right. Because, and I'm careful with this cause I understand there are affiliate marketers out there. This is their livelihood, right. <laugh>. But I feel like until you sell your own product, you don't really have a business. Right. Right. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so it's like, I realize, okay, um, this space on my website is obviously very valuable. So could I turn that into something that I sell? Um, so, and I didn't know how to create a product. Um, and I was obviously <laugh>. What's that?


Teevee  (00:21:26) - It's not familiar cuz that the very same trajectory for me and my business with my former business partner and know what I was

Jon  (00:21:33) - Doing. Yeah. And you have that fear of like, okay, I don't know how to create a product. I don't know if anyone's gonna buy it. Right. Um, my email list was, it might have been like a couple thousand people at the time. Cause I only started, started the email list like four or five months after I started the website. Uh, but anyway, it's just one day I was like, oh, screw it. Uh, send out an email to my list, <laugh>, put a PayPal button in there. Um, and to sign up for base, what I would do is, uh, I would review their Facebook page. That was it. I would send them a document back with my review. And there's a video, I think too of, of my review of, of what I saw and what I recommended. And that was it. Not a particularly scalable product. Um, and it was one of those things that it was ideal because if no one bought it, what am I out? Right. Nothing. I didn't, I didn't create

Teevee  (00:22:28) - Smart.

Jon  (00:22:29) - Yes. I didn't create anything. So, and people bought it. Um, and I remember even like Mari Smith noticed it and she was like, we even had a, a conversation about how, is there a way that, you know, like she could sell it or something like that didn't work because there's like, her audience was so huge and like, how in the world would that scale? Um, but uh, so that was the first realization. I was like, okay, I can do something <laugh>, uh, I could sell something. Um, but it wasn't, I think it was, I think it was 2013. I, I've had to go back and forth on this. Yeah. Like, my memory's cloudy. But I think it was 2013 where I launched my first course, uh, it was Power Editor. How to Use Power Editor.

Teevee  (00:23:14) - Mm. I remember that one. You had it for a while.

Jon  (00:23:17) - Yeah, I actually did a couple of, like, a couple iterations of it. Yes. That thing changed my world. Changed my life. It

Teevee  (00:23:27) - Was, it was amazing. I loved that, that program cuz it explained the Power Editor. Cuz it was crazy in there when I first jumped in there, like, oh my God, there's so many buttons and things and knobs. What do I do with all this?

Jon  (00:23:41) - Yeah. And kinda like you're saying, right place, right time. Right. I mean this, this feels looking back like it was strategic

Teevee  (00:23:50) - <laugh>,

Jon  (00:23:51) - Right? Like oh yeah. Facebook advertisers, advanced Facebook advertisers, those are the people who are investing in something, spending a lot of money in this thing. So it's not the beginners just the advanced, um, which is what Power Editor is. Yes. That's just for the advanced people. And Power Editor is so clunky and buggy and frustrating to people. They need someone to help them. Perfect Storm. Best thing to do, Jon

Teevee  (00:24:18) - Luer. Whoosh.

Jon  (00:24:20) - I'm, and like, it seems like that was really well thought out. It wasn't. I just got really lucky that that was the right path. It was perfect path. And, and you knew and it blew everything up. And I ended up kind of being the power editor guy, you know,

Teevee  (00:24:34) - You were you for me. You, you're more than that. You were the Facebook guy. Yeah. I'm telling you everyone that everyone in my circle and I would have you be around a lot of people in this marketing space. You were the go-to guy, you were our number one resource. That was it. Period. All right. Then everybody else has started selling little products on the side of it. You were the one that I think was the, the fair less, uh, hypey. Yeah. Just down to earth. I knew that you weren't gonna try to sell, upsell me to five other things. Right. So I trusted you <laugh>. Yeah. So thank you for that <laugh>.


Jon  (00:25:06) - Yeah. That was intentional. Ultimately not great for business, but it's,


Teevee  (00:25:09) - It's intentional. Oh, I get it. It took me like 10 years to get to a place of some comfort because I didn't want to be that slimy. Yeah. Hard push guy. It was just slow and steady. Slow and

Jon  (00:25:21) - Steady. Yeah. And I love your approach. There's a lot of benefits to that, right? You're gonna have fewer people who are, who have buyer's remorse because they take their time, they've read your stuff, you don't put everything behind a paywall or whatever. Like they know you by the time they're ready to buy, they're not talked into it the first time. They stumble on you and you, and you have to, and you haven't proven to them the value. You just like convince them based on words, you know? Yes. As opposed to you've read my stuff, you've watched my stuff, you've listened, whatever I fe I feel like that's all, it's beneficial as a business too. Um,

Teevee  (00:26:04) - But yeah, you definitely have their trust that you've earned over your long period of time. Um, I think if, if you were to put anything out and you have a good portion of your audience, your mailing list, and just people that follow you that would purchase you, you have a status in the marketplace because of that. Uh, standing power, I guess would be another way to put it. Uh, yeah. Like to, the thing, even to think that I'm interviewing you is it was a little nerve wracking. Like, ah, I'm interviewing one of my, my idols and and it sounds crazy, but you are one of those people. Um, and to find out that you and I kind of already picked up on this, you're already, you're, you're a little more reserved softspoken. Um, and I know that, but it's still made me a little, little bit nervous. Um, and at the end of the day, it makes perfect sense that you stumbled your way through Yeah. As many of us did <laugh>. Sure.

Jon  (00:26:50) - Yeah. Absolutely.

Teevee  (00:26:52) - I have another question for you. Yeah. Because for me, marketing has done a lot. I, I didn't realize it at the time, but marketing is in everything, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, I've come to believe that it's in every aspect of life. You know, the way you market, the way you position words, write things, have conversations, it's sales, it's marketing. And I have some cool projects that I've been able to, um, to support and grow because of that. And I was curious if, be through your skills, through your skillset, if you have anything that you have, uh, been involved in that you've or been passionate about? I know, uh, you mentioned baseball and your little league, uh, your coaching, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But is there anything that you use your skills for these skills to help? Uh, awareness, attention, growth,

Jon  (00:27:40) - Baseball? Yeah. Yeah. So, um, in 2015, uh, my middle son was 11 years old and we decided that his current situation on his baseball team, oh, we're looking for a change. Okay. Um, and I, I actually wasn't the head coach that time at that point. And I was like, I was ready to be a head coach again. And I started a team.

Teevee  (00:28:13) - Oh, that's gonna be good.

Jon  (00:28:14) - <laugh>. It, it's actually kind of interesting. I launched a website in the summer of 2015. Within 30 days that website had more traffic than any month of Jon Loomer.

Teevee  (00:28:30) - Wow. Which is crazy. That's saying a lot <laugh>.

Jon  (00:28:34) - I know. Which was kind of frustrating, honestly, <laugh>

Teevee  (00:28:37) - Honest. But wait, <laugh>,

Jon  (00:28:40) - Because it's like, well, Elizabeth, but it all made sense. So, so basically what I was doing, I I, I wrote a ton. I just wrote, wrote, wrote about baseball, about kids playing baseball, about coaching, about the stuff that parents face as well. Um, and it was a little bit of everything, but I had so much in my brain to get out there and so Right in your head. Yep. Um, and there was some stuff that really hit a chord with people, uh, uh, that that did really well. Um, but, so I mean, it makes sense when you think about it, when things are a passion, um, versus a necessity for business mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, it's, it's so much easier to Yes. Drive traffic to it. So, like I had, I had a Facebook page that was insane, the amount of traffic it drove <laugh>. Um, like I would, I would share a post from the Facebook page and get 10,000 link clicks on it to, to my website.

Jon  (00:29:45) - Wow. It was ridiculous. Um, okay. So it did really well. <laugh>, but that's how, but I, I did it. I mean, it ended up being kind of like a universal thing. I was focused primarily locally. Like, cause I wanted to build a brand before it existed. Cuz I knew it was a competitive space. You can't just start a baseball team and like, Hey, we're awesome. Like, you have to have, okay, this is my coaching philosophy, you know, so pe so when I was recruiting kids, which is crazy, you recruit kids, that's just the, the nature of things. <laugh>, I would send them links to the website. Like, this is my coaching philosophy. Like, who else can do that? So it felt like an advantage. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but yeah, so I used my, my skills, the, the things I'll learn creating Jonloomer.com to, to build that,

Teevee  (00:30:32) - Build a team. Yeah. So you, you, you ended up having a team that competed? Uh,

Jon  (00:30:37) - Yeah. Yeah.

Teevee  (00:30:38) - Is this his whole time that your son's up until high school? Or how'd that work?

Jon  (00:30:41) - So, so it started with my middle son until he went to high school. And then I started over with my youngest son when he was 11 until he went to high school. So it was seven total. Actually, you can't see it cause it's all fuzzy. But those are all pictures of the teams and stuff besides James Brown, James Brown's a little random in there, but there, there's seven different years, uh, of the team. Wow. And um, but it was competitive and it felt like it was more competitive every year and intense and, you know, doing travel and

Teevee  (00:31:14) - Wow.

Jon  (00:31:14) - There was high expectations out of parents. I'm sure. High expectations out of kids. Um, I mean, we are in Colorado, which isn't like, uh, a hotbed necessarily for baseball or it isn't viewed that way mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But at the same time, these kids all go to high schools. They're huge. So like, my kids go to the high school or went, uh, it's 2,500 kids. I say huge, but that's a hot, a lot bigger than what I went to. Um,

Teevee  (00:31:41) - Yeah. That's about the size I went to here in Dallas.

Jon  (00:31:43) - Really? So competing. So, so it all kind of makes sense. Like some, some parents and kids are thinking about, you know, going pro, playing D one, getting scholarships, things like that. But you also are just trying to play in high school, which is not easy to do when you go to a big high school. So it's intense. Uh, it's way more intense than I it ever was when I was a kid. And I played, I played into college. But, uh, so it was, it was a fun journey as a coach. It's probably not over. Like I'll probably coach one day again, but I needed the break too. For sure.

Teevee  (00:32:18) - So let me tell you my story. Yeah. Um, I have a handful of things that I've done, but one that s writes a similar timeline as yours. I'm a dancer. Uh, I've been dancing for a while, something called Zomba. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, it's an African, a dancer came outta Angola. Uh, it's gotten really popular over Europe. In Europe and they made us way, way over to the US 2014 or 15 is when it really started to trend. Fell in love with it, uh, in a dance, dance, dance as much as I could. But it was a growing dance style and the community was really small. You would have to travel to go find places to dance. And, um, about in two, 2019, I decided that I was gonna stop sitting on the sideline Hmm. And crew and help develop and a nurturing community here in Dallas.

Teevee  (00:33:10) - So in the last four years, two of which were during Covid, um, I would host, um, at, at first it was weekly, then it was biweekly and then it became d during Covid. And when we came outta Covid, it was once a month, I would host dance events, socials, what we call 'em. Uh, the brand is called Kids' Passion. And I just retired from it last week. Oh wow. Two weeks ago. Wow. I handed over this, this not the brand, I still have the brand, but this event. So what the event that allowed me to do is to kind of flex my marketing muscles mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, Facebook and all the other platforms. And mainly Facebook to bring more people to show up to, to dance it, to learn more about it. Yep. To take classes. Um, and now we have one of the hottest, biggest scenes in the entire country.

Teevee  (00:34:03) - Oh, that's awesome. It's interesting that you mentioned you don't have to be passionate about it. Yeah. Of all the thing, all the different accounts I managed for my clients, even for myself, even my marketing brand. This one is the funnest to write for sure. To, to tell stories about, to be clever and be metaphorical, almost poetical with it. Yeah. Uh, it taught me how to shoot better photos. Cause I had to end up buying a camera. It taught me how to learn how to DJ at least enough to, you know, impress 'em, impress people and get people on the dance floor. Had to learn how, that's when I really started learning how to edit videos. Cause we had to do clips and, and all types of stuff. Sure. And, and the then of course the advertising is just getting enough bodies in the, in the room, in the house to make sure that it felt like it was gonna be a fantastic time.

Teevee  (00:34:50) - Um, and that to me has been one of the most, and I have a lot of proud moments around marketing, but it was like realizing that I had this skill that I just finally decided to flex on the, in this space and create a community that finally after four years, I was able to walk away from. Because like you said, it takes up so much time and resource mental space. Yes. Like, what am I gonna post today? What am I gonna talk about? And it, I only was doing it once a month, but I was spending it a bunch of money on it <laugh> to ensure that I was getting, I mean, I was pushing, trying to get at least by what the time I left a hundred people in the house. And that's a lot for these things. It was free. It was all free by the way, <laugh>. Yeah. Um, but it was, it was one of those moments of pride to know that I did, I did that. But always wondering like, how does, where's these words coming from? I'd be typing and like, how am I writing this? But it's that passion. Yeah. That allowed me to just be creative. It's been fun. <laugh>.

Jon  (00:35:48) - Yeah. You know, I, I think we all dream of that one day that's all we do is what we are most passionate about. It's not that, you know, what I do or what you do, we're not passionate about, like, we're passionate about it, but like mm-hmm. <affirmative> end of the day is like, do I wanna be talking about Facebook ads 20 years from now? Is there you gonna be a fa That's, that's one of the realizations I've had over the last, you know, couple years. It's like long term, if I wanna keep having a business, I should probably be thinking about, you know, what else I'm gonna be talking about or doing.

Teevee  (00:36:22) - Yeah. What's on the horizon.

Jon  (00:36:24) - But, uh, you know, passions are something that a lot of times, you know, can be evergreen. So, um, and I, you know, I've, I've un thought about like, how could I turn the baseball stuff into a business? I mean, I, I even started a podcast. I was

Teevee  (00:36:39) - About to ask about that. Yes.

Jon  (00:36:41) - <laugh>. And, and the truth is like I've, I learned a lot from what I did with the baseball team and applied it to my business. Like, that's where I would experiment. I would run ads because it's so cheap. It was so cheap too, right? Yes. Because yes,

Teevee  (00:36:55) - Yes.


Jon  (00:36:55) - You could get so much engagement on it. Um, but I would, I would experiment with it there and then like learn from that. Um, but, and like, I, I started the podcast right after the season ended last summer, and I started something completely newer. I I was doing these short episodes.

Teevee  (00:37:14) - Yes. I remember that.

Jon  (00:37:15) - Right. Um, so I started with the, the baseball podcast first, and then I applied it, um, more to, to, um, my, my podcast as well. And it's, it's just fun though. You know, it's like when you, when you, you don't expect money in return, you know, you're not gonna get anything in return. Right. There's no, they're right there. There's no pressure that like, oh, this has to perform or what's gonna happen or whatever. Like, you're just doing it cuz you love it. And that's kind of where I was. And I was definitely proud of like one, one of those pictures back there. Uh, I can't even, I'm not even sure if I can get to it again. It's, it's fuzzy, but, uh, a parent put it together, whereas like, I'm gonna get emotional even saying it, it was a, a picture of each of the seven teams Mm. That I coached over those seven years, man. And it's, it's a lot like, uh, like we did things differently too. So like, we were very competitive, but I also was like, we're not crazy. Like some of these people, we're not cutthroat. Um, we're gonna be one of us. I

Teevee  (00:38:18) - Would imagine you would be <laugh>.

Jon  (00:38:20) - Well, you know, there's a lot. I, I think I was like, with my oldest, like with my oldest, that was kind of crazy. Um, that was my first exposure to coach coaching. And, um, I started softening up a little bit with my middle son, like over, I think by the end of his run I was, I had much more of a balanced view. Um, and then it was, you know, definitely through my youngest son that it was like, it was completely different really from anyone else we were playing. And I think parents appreciated that. Kids appreciate that. And, uh, it made it more fun.

Teevee  (00:38:58) - Tell me what, what, uh, draws you to baseball? What, what's the, where does that passion come from?

Jon  (00:39:05) - Well, uh, a couple things. I think, um,

Teevee  (00:39:09) - Can, I'm gonna tell you real quick. So baseball was my first love, my first sport. Yeah. I used to collect baseball cards. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> at some point in time I even became a dealer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's how I started making my first dollars. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> selling, uh, selling in high school. Then I even had a partnership with another group of kids who they would buy the, the sleeves to put the cards in and the binders and the Beckett. Oh, they

Jon  (00:39:33) - Were, oh man.

Teevee  (00:39:33) - Yes. The Beckett Price guys. I was, I was, that's how I was slang slung cards and traded and, and made money until somebody stole my baseball card collection from my locker in middle school. No. And from that moment on, I said, I'm done. I don't know what happened. It was like a trigger. I was so sad. I I I probably was dep borderline depressed and I've never washed it with the same passion because I broke my heart. Oh. But that's just an aside. Baseball is something that I've always been passionate about, but it got dampened after that.


Jon  (00:40:07) - Well, we're definitely gonna get to baseball cards, but it my love of the game <laugh>. Well, first of all, you know, I think, uh, so my dad, he's one of five boys. Um, they grew up playing baseball. They grew up in Wisconsin. They were Milwaukee Braves fans, huge Milwaukee Braves fans. Um, so my brother and I were huge Brewers fans and also timed up nicely. I was seven years old in 1982 when they had their most memorable team that went to the World Series. They

Teevee  (00:40:38) - Lost who was on the team?

Jon  (00:40:40) - Oh man. That had Paul Moer, Robin Young Raleigh Fingers. I was gonna say Cecil Cooper, Ben. Like, I could go on and on. Yes. But it was a very memorable team that was just like a cast of characters and just fun to root for. And you know, at an age I was seven that ages me, you can, uh, figure it out. But <laugh> so very formative years


Teevee  (00:41:00) - About the same age. We're about the same age. Yes.


Jon  (00:41:02) - Yeah. Uh, so I'm 47 going on 48. Yep.


Teevee  (00:41:07) - We're the exact same age. I thought so. Okay.


Jon  (00:41:09) - That's crazy. So it, formative years fell in love with the sport, fell in love with the team. Um, my fa like, as, as a kid, we moved around a lot. So we actually moved outta Wisconsin. But I never lost my love for the brewers. I raised my kids as Brewers fans. Amazingly <laugh>, um,


Teevee  (00:41:27) - Really in Colorado.


Jon  (00:41:29) - Yeah. Okay. But, uh, yeah, the baseball card thing was huge. It was a huge part of look. Okay. My, my dad was a math professor. So math nerd stats stuff, right? Mm. Yes. Um, the back of baseball cards. Yes. The stats. It ultimately honestly led me to marketing and stats and all that. Like it makes perfect sense. Yes. Right. Who knew? Um, so like, I, I would, I still re you know, looking at the back of baseball cards, like why are some of these stats bol and metallic? Yes. Like, okay, this guy's like, why is it why there's so many rows? Because he's had this long career and, and like, oh my God. And a lot of times it's like, uh, becoming a fan because of his card. But it's not like we had internet. It's not like we saw lots of games on tv.


Jon  (00:42:20) - Um, but there's, I, you know, you just end up with certain players you liked. Right. Um, but yeah, I got into the same game. So, uh, baseball card collecting, I was intense. Uh, to the point where like, I was mad every Christmas. Uh, cause my parents would not gimme baseball cards <laugh>. Cause I think they thought it was a waste of money or something. It was just my grandma. That's my grandma would always come through and gimme some baseball cards. But I would spend way to go Granny <laugh>. Yeah. I would spend like, every dollar I owned on baseball cards, um, I would, I would, I started selling them. I, I started, I would reserve, um, tables at, at card shows. Oh wow.


Teevee  (00:43:01) - You're one of them. I didn't go that far. <laugh>.


Jon  (00:43:03) - Yeah. Here we go. Here we go. The before the internet, um, online billboards. Remember? Online bill bulletin boards. Sorry, bulletin boards. Yes. Is what, what it was before the true internet. So there's, there's like dial up to it and everything. I actually sold baseball cards on that. Um, and honestly that's what depleted my collection. Uh, I still, it's actually in my storage right now. It's probably been like soaked in water and stuff for all I know. And boxes and stuff. <laugh>. But, uh, I gave it to my kids. They never really like, you know, came around to, uh, the car collecting. I stopped really, uh, 91, 92. It just started getting too crazy with all the brands and everything else. I was going from high school to college and I just didn't care anymore. But, um, um, still probably the prize card just bec partly from the history my brother bought me for my birthday. A Robin Ya rookie card. 1975 Tops Mini. Wow. So it's the, they, they made smaller versions that were worth more. Um, interesting. I never heard of that one. Yeah. And he, okay. It was like an $18 card at the time is, you know, you know, the ups and downs of the market. It, it went way up and I don't know what, it's probably not worth a ton now, but I gave it to my oldest son. So, so he has it now. Um, so now it's been kind of passed down.


Teevee  (00:44:33) - I love it. Uh, absolutely <laugh>. I didn't, I didn't think I was gonna talk about baseball <laugh>. I just came up and I got emotional cause I was such a sad little boy. I put so much into it. Oh man. I've always been hustling. And that's what I've actually told people. Like, I think I've always, I think I got it from my mom cuz she's always has this little hustle. Yeah. And I would do this, uh, I used to collect stamps. Somebody stole those. They're like, can we just steal my crap?


Jon  (00:44:58) - Geez, everybody steal this stuff.


Teevee  (00:44:59) - <laugh>. It's, it's crazy. But, um, I was passionate. It's so stink and passionate about it. It broke my heart at any a rate. But


Jon  (00:45:08) - There really is a business slant to that, right? I mean,


Teevee  (00:45:11) - Yes,


Jon  (00:45:11) - Absolutely. I think that experience, like I also realized over the years I was pr I, I did not come out ahead on my baseball cards.


Teevee  (00:45:21) - <laugh>.


Jon  (00:45:22) - Like, I would, I would sell stuff. I would buy stuff. And I probably wasn't very smart about what I sold and what I bought and when and the timing and all that.


Teevee  (00:45:32) - Um, you're a kid. <laugh>. It's


Jon  (00:45:33) - A good experience


Teevee  (00:45:34) - Though. Yeah. This is exactly it. Which actually kind of brings me to my next kind of question. It's a question of Yeah. It's a question. <laugh> mm-hmm. <affirmative>, something that I've come to realize is that all the various crazy things that I've done in my life actually benefit me today. Like things that seem very random, like even baseball card collecting mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and I've heard some people call it a skill stack and it makes perfect sense. So my, in my previous years, I, I told you I was a manager mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And at some point in time I've had people tell me, I I did that business. I was in that business from the age of 15 to like almost 38.


Jon  (00:46:12) - Wow.


Teevee  (00:46:13) - I started off as a sac. The people, they don't even have sackers anymore. <laugh> <laugh> True bag. Your own stuff. Yeah. Um, but in that time, one of the things that I, I've taken out of it is that I know how to manage people. I, I'm pretty good at speaking with people and, and, and working with customers and employees and management, upper management, um, became a pretty good videographer. I came pretty good. I didn't know I was that good at writing, but until I started writing <laugh>, like, oh, we're just just coming out of these fingers. How? Yeah. Um, and it's, it's seem horribly important I think because we're now, I know you're my age. I can say this <laugh>. When you're older, only looking back, do you realize that even some of those meaningless, what seem like meaningless jobs or tasks that you may have had actually benefit you today? Yeah. So I guess my question to you is this, what skills do you feel that you've acquired over the years that now looking back are like, wow, those became invaluable?


Jon  (00:47:09) - Well, I, I think, um, again, I think the fact that both my parents were teachers mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So my dad was a, the math professor. My mom was a like an elementary school teacher. Um, so it was one of those things like no matter what, like it could be, you know, a sign where something was, had an incorrect po punctuation or something came up on TV or spelled wrong or using bad grammar, my parents would point it out. And, uh, so those are things that were kind of ingrained in me. I mean, I had a lot of, you know, privilege in that way too. I like my, my, all four of my grandparents, I, I don't know how many people can say this, went to college. Hmm. So I had education handed down to me. Right. And expectation handed down to me


Teevee  (00:48:02) - Surprised you are a teacher, man. <laugh>,


Jon  (00:48:04) - There actually was a time, okay. After I, because again, I graduated a philosophy degree, what was I gonna do? And I didn't know what I was gonna do. And I started taking classes to be a teacher. And I can't even tell you what happened. I, I don't know what happened. It, it, it lasted like a semester or something and that was it. I have no idea. But


Teevee  (00:48:22) - You're teaching now though, like you are teaching in some capacity. This is


Jon  (00:48:26) - Teaching in a different way.

Teevee  (00:48:27) - It's a different, yeah. Yeah. Than traditional. Not in the classroom per se.

Jon  (00:48:32) - So, so those skills, uh, you know, analytically math with math, uh, you know, I'm not even, I wouldn't even consider myself a big math nerd. Like, I'm not really, I'm not great. Like, you get into high school math and advanced high school math, I can't help you.

Teevee  (00:48:46) - Yeah. That's my daughter. I'm like, you're on your own.

Jon  (00:48:48) - Right. But

Teevee  (00:48:49) - Like, I'll pay for a tutor, but I can't help <laugh>.

Jon  (00:48:51) - Exactly. But basic like statistics, probability, just evaluation of, of results and things like that. I, I love doing that. I feel like I'm pretty good at. Um, and then like writing, um, that came also from not only the upbringing, but I went to a liberal arts school where like you couldn't major in journalism. You had to major in like, I majored in English and then I majored in philosophy and it was like you did so much writing basically along the way. Gotcha. Yeah. Um, and honestly, the philosophy stuff was really helpful because that's where you learn logic. Um, whether something makes sense or not. Yeah. Uh, ethics is a big part of that. Um, evaluating, you know, what you're willing to do and not willing to do. Where's your line? How do you cross it? Um, so that's, I I think that sets a foundation for who you are as a person. Yes. Um, and also in business. And because that comes up a lot. What are you willing or not willing to do?

Teevee  (00:50:00) - Yes.

Jon  (00:50:01) - Uh, what are your core values? And, uh, a

Teevee  (00:50:05) - Lot of things. That's a good point. Cause a lot of opportunities come up where you could make some really good money if you are willing to cross your own ethical boundaries. Correct. Uh, we, there's a lot of shady marketing. Oh, people wanna hire marketers to do shady stuff. If we were willing to do it, we'll get paid. Well, I've had to say no to a handful of times. So those types of things. So it's a great point.

Jon  (00:50:28) - Yeah. And it's hard when things aren't great to say. No. Ye

Teevee  (00:50:32) - Yes. <laugh> very hard.

Jon  (00:50:35) - But, uh, you know, those things, um, yeah. I mean, th there's a lot of experiences realizing what I do and don't like, uh, I, I was, my first job was as a telemarketer.

Teevee  (00:50:49) - Oh goodness. Really? <laugh>.

Jon  (00:50:52) - And I was probably the worst telemarketer there's ever been because if you said no, I said, okay, have a good day.

Teevee  (00:51:02) - I respect that decision. Goodbye <laugh>.

Jon  (00:51:05) - Uh, I wasn't gonna talk you into it. And, um, I think, I think that kind of stuff though carried over into my approach Yes. To, to my business. I love it. So, but no, I agree. There's no, like, everything that we go through, uh, we, it'll, it'll, you know, that experience

Teevee  (00:51:28) - Helps.

Jon  (00:51:29) - Good or bad. Helped good and bad. Absolutely. Yeah. Molds us, just like with my, you know, our old, my oldest son being a cancer survivor. Like that truly changed my outlook on life and also impacted what I be willing to do and not do, um, because of that. So

Teevee  (00:51:47) - You're not willing to go breaking bad.

Jon  (00:51:49) - Not willing to go breaking

Teevee  (00:51:51) - Bad <laugh>. I mean, sometimes it seems like it might be a necessary like, oh, thank goodness it didn't have to go there. Yeah. But I can market it. Market the crap outta anything.

Jon  (00:52:00) - Exactly. Boy. And it's also helpful, like when things aren't great to like remember, okay, well what's most important, you know, we got our health. We're we're good.

Teevee  (00:52:09) - I, uh, when I quit my job, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It was in 2009. And looking back, well even then I was like, ah, I'm starving. I was literally starving. There was three or four years were, uh, if the, my daughters came over, we ate very little or sometimes that I'd have 'em every other weekend. I'd tell 'em to stay home to please if they're their mom could keep them because I could not afford anything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but I was determined that this was going to work. Something inside of me said, I can make this work. If I could just hold on, I'll figure it out. Right. And, and looking back, I didn't realize it was a recession going on <laugh>. Yeah. That it was actually not the greatest time to quit. Yeah. But it was something that inside of me that said, I know I can figure this out.

Teevee  (00:52:56) - I know this is the future. I just need to buy time. So, um, it's those sacrifices you're willing to make. And for, because I was home with them, I guess this is the big point I wanted to make. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I was able to go out their events, any, anything in school. We started a chess club accidentally <laugh>, we, we go to the park. Like I had every opportunity to be more, to be with them a little more I would take, because I was at home anyways. Um, and try to do it on the cheap. As long as I could do that, then I'd be there. And what's the kind of sacrifices you sometimes you have to make,

Jon  (00:53:28) - I don't know about you, but what you said about, you know, spending that time. I, in a weird way, some of my favorite times were during those first few months of covid, of lockdown where no one could leave. And we spent so much time together. Like they, you know, I had kids in high school and like they couldn't leave <laugh>,

Teevee  (00:53:50) - <laugh>, you're stuck

Jon  (00:53:51) - With me. Actually one kid in high school, one who was supposed to be in college, but he was home. And so it was like, yeah, we get this. Almost felt like we were getting ex overtime, getting extra time. Hmm. That we did quit. Squid wouldn't have otherwise had. And like, you know, the, the board games and the puzzles and like the other various things like keeping ourselves busy from insane, that's something that very few people are going to experience other outside of something like that, where you're just, because with technology and everybody's just going go, go, go. I mean, it was like six weeks we were just together.

Teevee  (00:54:31) - A hundred percent. Yeah. A hundred percent of the time. I, uh, that, that actually brings up a great point that I, I say a lot is that kids don't care about a lot of things. They just want your time. And as they get older, is they, they don't care more as much for your time together anymore. Yeah. It's not to say they don't love you or whatnot, but if, if you give them that time when they're younger, when they're older, it becomes less of an issue. I know from mine, um, I still don't get 'em a lot. And now that they're older, I really, and I, there's moments I've had to overcome this like six or eight months ago, I was like almost damn near crying every time I thought about it. Cuz my older one has already moved on. She's got a full-time job. She's in a mar working in a marketing agency.

Jon  (00:55:12) - Oh

Teevee  (00:55:13) - Wow. The other one is involved in so much with her, with her high school. She's in the band, she's a drum major, she's doing this, she's doing that. And I'm here I am. Like, I don't know what to do with myself anymore. My whole life was built around trying to be present involved. Um, yeah. But I know that at the end of the day, I've done enough and I've been involved enough to have made a positive impact and I did give them as much time as I could. Now, hopefully they remember to gimme some later <laugh>.

Jon  (00:55:41) - It's, oh man, I feel you. I feel you. That that's, that's the hard part. And like, I'm, I'm dreading the day our youngest, uh, moves on.

Jon  (00:55:52) - Like, what are we gonna do? But, um, so yeah, you talk about, uh, your oldest starting marketing agency. My oldest getting the cancer survivor. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. He's gonna be, he's going to med school next summer, next year. That's right. Uh, the, uh, the next school year, once again, we talk about, you know, experiences impacting you and your Wow, that's true. You know, what you end up doing. You, you're darn right that impacted what he decided to do form, but also this is approach to life. Like, he, he's a little bit more of a risk taker than the rest of our, you know,

Teevee  (00:56:27) - Is he reallys?

Jon  (00:56:29) - Well, it's like he lives every day. Like it matters, you know,

Teevee  (00:56:32) - Any day could be <laugh>. Every day's a blessing.

Jon  (00:56:35) - Yeah. And he, but he's just a great kid and I love that. Um, I'm just so proud. Like, that's the other thing, like, you talk about, you know, I was, you know, going into tears thinking about like, that's a daily occurrence. I feel like, uh, for a lot of us dads and parents. I mean, I just, the little things, like I was never really a crier until I was a parent. And I feel like I, like, this is like a commercial. Like this is just a stupid commercial and I'm crying about a commercial. Like, what's going

Teevee  (00:57:06) - There? <laugh>. Yeah. Forget about it. Uh, the new Ant man, I saw the preview to it. I said, oh my God, it's a dad movie. <laugh>, there's a dad angle to this. I'm, I'm already getting emotional watch in the preview. This is terrible.

Jon  (00:57:22) - That's funny.

Teevee  (00:57:24) - I'm weird that way. I love my girls. I've done so much. I wanted to be do better. Um, and now they're older and I think they are better. So I've done my job, so I gotta, I can hang my hat on that, but I've, and they know this too, like, dad, please don't cry. I'm like, well, I don't cry in public or anything like that, but I can't promise anything. Like, I love you kids. <laugh>.

Jon  (00:57:42) - Well, and you're living a life that I have no perspective on at all. It's just having daughters. Like that's a, that's a completely different world. Like man, I often, like, I, I'm a mess now. Like I'm sure I'd be an emotional, even more of an emotional mess if I had a daughter. Especially if, cuz a lot of times they say daughters tend to be daddy's girls pretty much. Whereas like, my boys, like, they love me too, but they're mom. I mean, come on. Ah,

Teevee  (00:58:10) - <laugh>

Jon  (00:58:10) - No one can replace their mom <laugh>. And so like when, whenever like my boys in college are, you know, they wanna send in updates that it's always going to, to my wife and I have to get em from me, from my wife. But yeah, it's having daughters, man, I can't, I can't imagine

Teevee  (00:58:25) - It's, uh, people used to tell me, it's like, you know, you're, you're gonna have a tough time with girls. It's difficult. It's this and that if you have daughters. And I also, and I would think about that and I thought to myself like, I've always been pretty respectful to women. I've never been a pig or anything like that. Yeah. I think I'm gonna be all right. Yeah. And I have been, I have, I have great daughters, the great kids that definitely have to, um, be mindful of the fact they're women and try to figure out how to, uh, parent be a father, two little girls. Um, and it was a challenge, but I, I, I think I uh, I was able to step up and and honor them as females and still Right. Show up as myself,

Jon  (00:59:07) - <laugh>.

Teevee  (00:59:07) - It's

Jon  (00:59:08) - Often a different, it's a different type of relationship though. I think oftentimes times.

Teevee  (00:59:12) - It is. It's uh, yeah, it's very much so I always try to take the approach of not over, like I, I never got 'em dolls. Yeah. Because I knew that they were gonna get plenty of dolls from everyone around them. So I always try to provide more of the masculine, you know, still masculine presence while understanding that they're females and having that softness. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I, we played baseball, we played basketball, they can throw football. I always talk about that. Like, I wanted them to have a good hand eye coordination. Uh, they're both have that angle, so I made sure that I still respected 'em as females, but made sure that they also had some good hand. Like, just the stuff that I think is also necessary. They're just good human beings at the end of the day. That's what's awesome. But recognizing that Yeah. Made me, made me so happy that I could talk about them. I used to be really bad, like everybody brought up, brought them up. I'm like, oh crap. So I'd be blabbing on for 15 to 20 minutes. Sure. <laugh>. Um, so I've gotten better about restraining myself, so I'm gonna stop there. <laugh>

Jon  (01:00:11) - No restraint. Heated. Yeah.

Teevee  (01:00:13) - Yeah.

Jon  (01:00:13) - Yeah. Jonny.

Teevee  (01:00:15) - Um, it's 3 0 6. I know you got other things to do. I could talk to a dad. It's

Jon  (01:00:21) - Friday, man. It's Friday

Teevee  (01:00:22) - <laugh>. It is Friday, dude, I forgot about that. Usually I have these interviews on Wednesdays, so I'm off in my scheduling. Gotcha. Um, I do appreciate your time. Um, I look forward to posting this cuz uh, I, I'm excited to share this, our stories and your stories as a father. Um, been a fantastic time. Do you have anything where can people find you? Anything you'd like to share with the world? The world White web?

Jon  (01:00:48) - Yeah, man. I mean Jon lu.com is still kicking, so Yeah, it is. Uh, I mean these days is not just Facebook advertising, I'm talking Oh yeah. You know, short form video and, and chat g PT and AI and really how all those kind of come together. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but that's my home base. But you can find me everywhere. I swear. I mean, if you're on TikTok, if you're on Instagram, it's at Jon Luer, YouTube, LinkedIn, it's at all. Jon Loomer, Facebook, Jon Loomer Digital. I do have a podcast. The podcast with Jon Loomer. And uh,

Teevee  (01:01:25) - You are

Jon  (01:01:25) - Everywhere. Tends to be a little casual. Yep. Casual like this, honestly. But we tend to have drinks on the, on the pub.

Teevee  (01:01:31) - Yeah, I saw that. I always say like, man, I wanna do one of those shows. Um, for those of you listening, uh, definitely check out Jon Loomer, uh, all his stuff because I know I have a lot of friends, a lot of colleagues that are not in the marketing space, um, but want to learn more and I don't have a product, anything to sell in that space yet. Definitely check out Jon. He is a trustworthy individual who puts out great content, a lot of free content, and his paid stuff is fantastic as well. So check it out, learn some stuff he's on. He's definitely at the cutting edge and trying to stay in touch, which I am also to make sure that we stay relevant and continue to, to be able to produce value for our clients as well as for ourselves. That's

Jon  (01:02:14) - Right.

Teevee  (01:02:15) - Thank you Jon. Uh, having said that, we'll see you in the next episode, Tata,

Jon  (01:02:20) - Thanks so much Teevee.

Teevee  (01:02:22) - Thank you.

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Jon Loomer

Founder/CEO of Jon Loomer Digital

Jon is an accidental marketer and advertising educator who launched jonloomer.com in 2011 after two layoffs. He found a niche in advanced Facebook advertising beginning in 2012. His experience with Facebook goes back to his years with the NBA when the league partnered with Facebook in 2007. His business is built around educating advertisers on the tools, skills, and strategies that they need to succeed. He is now in the process of adjusting his business and brand to the ever-changing landscape, now focusing more on short-form video via TikTok and Reels, no matter how uncomfortable that may make him. He is a baseball fan and stats nerd who shares his love of the game with his three boys.