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Nick Gray

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Nick Gray is an entrepreneur and best-selling author living in Austin, Texas. He started and sold two successful companies: Flight Display Systems and Museum Hack. Nick is the author of The 2-Hour Cocktail Party, a step-by-step handbook that teaches you how to build big relationships by hosting small gatherings. Over 75,000 people have watched his TEDx talk about why he hates most museums. He’s been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and New York Magazine called him a host of “culturally significant parties.”

May 17, 2023

Conversation with Nick Gray: The Low-Maintenance Way to Connect with Friends and Make New Friendships

Have you ever noticed how difficult it's become to make new friends as you get older? It was just so much easier when we were kids. "TAG. You're it. And now we're friends." If it were only that easy. Do it now, and you might ...
Guest: Nick Gray