Welcome to our new website!
Feb. 7, 2025

New Name, Same Mission: Creating Legacy!

Creating a legacy that my grandkids will be proud of has always been my life's passion, and those who've followed my journey know how deeply I care about this. That's why I'm thrilled to announce our rebrand to "Becoming Better Ancestors"! 

With personal growth stories, conversations with my daughters and fiancée, and documented moments I wish my own grandparents had left behind, this is more than just a new name—it's about creating a time capsule of stories and lessons that will echo through generations to come!


00:01:17 - Announcing the Rebranding of the Podcast
00:01:52 - The Concept of Becoming Better Ancestors
00:03:06 - Importance of Generational Impact and Storytelling
00:05:30 - Collaborative Content with Family and Friends
00:06:30 - Reflections on the Value of Family History


Everyone Teevee here from the Teevee show podcast.

Thank you for always watching my videos of being engaged. I really appreciate you. Y’all are awesome.

And, by the way, please try not to focus on this.

This is the issue I had this week, in which I experienced the greatest pain of my life. I was an absolute nightmare to be around because there was so much pain all over my body that originated right here.

I had some dental surgery again, and I’m doing better now—I can talk—but this is obviously what they’re dealing with. Anyway, the goal with this particular video is to share some breaking news. I have breaking news.

“Breaking news?”

On this particular channel I never talk about breaking news because, you know, everything I share is kind of timeless. I believe that the information and wisdom bestowed upon me are timeless.

It’s not breaking news. But this week I decided to change and rebrand the channel—the podcast itself. It has been the Teevee, the Teevee show podcast because it was colorfully named after this guy, and I actually really enjoyed it. I love it. It made it memorable and easy to share with people.

I was at a party this week, for example, where my friend Maddox—who was there last weekend—was sharing that people were asking about me and what I do. They mentioned the podcast and were like, “Oh, what’s the name of it? How can I find it?” And it was the Teevee show podcast. They were like, “Oh, that’s crazy cool, because your name is Teevee.” I was so glad—but anyway, that name is no longer clever.

However, the new name is pretty fantastic in its own right. It’s going to be—give me a second—oh, “Becoming Better Ancestors Podcast.” That is actually the name of my newsletter already, and it’s a topic I talk about because it’s something I became aware of about a year ago—that we are essentially everyone’s ancestors down the line. At one point in the near (but not so distant) future, people will be able to say, “Oh, that was my uncle, that was my brother, that was my dad, that was my great, great, great grandfather—me.” And it will be an entry on some genealogy family tree. After all, we are ancestors.

I like to think that if we play our cards right, we will be memorable in some way. For example, think of that ancestor who changed the way our family traditionally told our generational stories—the one who built the company that transformed the future of his family. Those are the kinds of stories that matter. And at the very least, we can strive to become much more beautiful versions of ourselves. I don’t know—it can be as simple as being better ancestors, showing up for our families, for our children, who in turn will show up for their own children. It’s all generational stuff—but on the positive side.

So, welcome to the Becoming Better Ancestors Podcast. This is the first episode of sorts in that vein, so please continue to tune in. The content will remain the same—off the cuff, kind of like when I decided to just go for a walk. I’m trying to do better with my walks. I was doing really well for a long time, but when it gets cold, going outside for walks becomes really hard.

But I'm going to walk, and while I'm out here, you know what? I’m going to use this as an opportunity to record and share with the masses. You’re part of the masses, my beautiful audience.

I’m sharing with you the new brand—not so much a new direction, because I’ve always talked about what I talk about. Please join me on my path. I will continue to share these types of episodes. I’ll bring my daughters on, and hopefully I’ll be able to get both of them on here during the summer when my younger one is home from college so we can record something together.

I’m also planning recurring podcasts with friends and guest podcasts with people who can add value in the realms of personal development, wellness, and mental health, as well as some awesome conversations with my fiancée. I’m actually excited about that—I have a couple of ideas on how to approach it. I will tell you right now: I kind of struggle with that one because it might sound like I’m giving relationship advice, and I don’t know who I am—I’m just some dork who got lucky and found the woman of his dreams.

And, yeah, that might be weird, but at the same time, it’s going to be our story.
If you want to tune in and find out more, or if you have questions, please let us know—about us, about our relationship. I really love the way we've built this thing. It's been a crazy, beautiful ride, and there was a time I swore I was never going to get married again. It was like, “No, no, no.” And then, as time passed, I couldn’t imagine not marrying her—so I did. I proposed a little under a year ago, and now she's my fiancée. She's a fantastic human, and she will also be a guest from time to time.

That's all I have for you today—a quick life update and a podcast update. I'm excited. Thank you for tuning in, for sharing the love. I truly feel it. It's kind of crazy, isn't it? This may not seem like a big enterprise, but it's something I love, and I hope that someday my grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see it.

I'll leave you with this: There are very few photos of me when I was young, even though there’s plenty of content of me much older. And then there's the other half of the story—my grandparents, my great-grandparents. I know very little about them. Even just knowing who they were—without the spectacle I'm now making—is something I wish for. I'd love to get to know them, to understand their stories; how they became who they became—and how they, in turn, helped create me.

I love the idea that my children, my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren will one day get to see this stuff and actually witness our story. Maybe you're watching this in the future. If so, know that this is your legacy, your little piece of history.

Hello from the past. I'm still a doer. Remember: you can get anywhere. I'm just a little dude doing my part, and so are the rest of you. I'll see you soon on the next episode.

Thank you very much. Bye.